GoE 34 Last quest

GoE 34


If you have to put all of Elle's remaining strength into finding the remaining Black Pearl, it's very unlikely that Elle will finish it on time. Therefore, Elle decided to share the secret with Prince Ellder.

However, Elle turned doubtful at the last second.

"If you have to share a secret it's best when you two get married." Etter's comment seemed to know Elle's thoughts.

"Married to Prince Ellder you say? That is one thing out of a thousand things that cannot happen." Elle avoided getting angry.

How could Etter speak like that when Elle still hasn't lost her sense of sadness from the recent loss of her husband and child?

Maybe Etter has no conscience!

"If you can get past death then marrying a Prince isn't something impossible. On other Planets there is also a Frog Prince, you can choose one of them to marry." Etter chuckled loudly. It was as if the jokes that Etter spoke with his mouth were very funny.

On the other hand, Elle was furious and tried to catch Etter who had suddenly disappeared.

"This is no time for jokes. You must help me find another Black Pearl, Etter!" Elle screamed in her heart.

And, the next minute they were already in one of the Solar Empire's armories. Several buildings were used as weapons storage buildings and Elle was in the Main Building.

"No one knows. Even CCTV won't be able to catch your movements," whispered Etter before leaving Elle in the room full of guns alone.

"Nonetheless. It doesn't make me fearless." Elle grumbled, one hand reaching for the Silver Pedal stuck in the concrete wall.

The location of the Silver Pedal was unusual and very strange. From Elle's vision who was wearing the Ninja Cloak, it could be interpreted that it was one of the keys to the hiding place. Or a place used to hide something.

Nimbly, Elle pulled the Silver Pedal silently. There are symmetrical chunks from inside the wall. Something wrapped neatly from within a narrow gap the size of a fist. Elle carefully took the black package.

Elle slowly opened the black package and took the Black Pearl which looked less shining. For some reason, Elle felt sad seeing the Black Pearl in her left hand. But Elle quickly put the Black Pearl into her Ninja-cloak pocket and put the little box back where it belonged.

That sad feeling still haunts Elle's feelings. And without feeling a few tears fell down Elle's cheeks. Elle struggled to keep herself from crying. Elle's feelings were mixed and erratic for an unreasonable reason.

"How can this Black Pearl make me like the one who suffers the most?" Elle muttered to herself.

"And it is indeed the darkest Black Pearl among all the Black Pearls the world has ever seen," replied Etter without showing himself.

While restraining herself from crying continuously, Elle had to look for the whereabouts of another Black Pearl in the Main Hall of Emperor Paddu's Palace. Elle moved to the side of the magnificent building and pretended to clean some White Roses.

"Of all the places I've been to, the Emperor's Main Hall is indeed the most beautiful. But somehow I can't feel happy in a place as beautiful as this? Or is it because of the existence of the Black Pearl or because the Emperor's ambition is so great that the Servants can't breathe peacefully?" Elle muttered to herself.

"Again it's none of your business, Elle. Just focus on your work and don't talk too much. Because the more you know a secret, the more you can't ignore it. The world is not as beautiful as in the mirror or romance drama. You have to struggle to breathe calmly. For your own sake." said Etter with a mocking name.

Elle's heart and logic clashed hearing Etter's words. It was the law of the world and after Elle managed to survive death she became even more certain. If the world is never okay.

Elle had to be strong for her late daughter or her late husband. Elle must be able to complete the mission from Etter. Bringing the world into true balance. Don't ever think of backing down or stopping in the middle of the road.

Elle's life is at stake. And there is no time to be merciful to anyone. Elle understands her current situation.

Moreover, Prince Ellder was already waiting for Elle in the palace. They had to quickly get ready to escape on the plane that Prince Hector had prepared.

"Right. I must find another Black Pearl soon. I must hurry." shrieked Elle softly.

Strolling the corners of the Imperial Main Palace, Elle carefully inspected every corner of the room that looked suspicious. Until Elle arrived in a small but clean room.

All the furniture in the room was covered in white cloth and not a single speck of dust could be seen. Elle suddenly felt bad. For some reason, Elle felt like this room had just been emptied.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before Elle heard footsteps approaching. Elle immediately hid inside one of the large cupboards. Elle was alertly prepared in case any emergency occurred.

"Prince Ellder has no allies in this palace or anywhere else in the world. So never talk about something that has no basis. If you don't want to suffer the same fate as the Eleventh Servant yesterday. The Eleven Servant's Room is only a bedroom. There wouldn't be anything strange in a gloomy place like this. So you should also remember that Concubine Weyya's temper can change at any time and throw out any Servant she doesn't like." whispered one of the aged maids.

Meanwhile, one younger waiter only nodded occasionally while keeping his mouth tightly shut.

"But, why should we be so afraid of Consort Weyya while we still have Empress Lica?" whispered the younger servant emboldened.

From the question alone one could guess that the younger servant had only been in the palace for a few months as a servant. So it was natural that the poor girl did not know anything about Concubine Weyya's behavior which Emperor Paddu would always justify.

"Don't ever mention the names of those two people in this place. Even walls and stones have ears and are probably currently reporting to their master." replied the older servant by opening the mouth of the young servant.

"Well. I won't repeat that. Forgive me."

"You'd better apologize to yourself. Just pray your life is safe this time." snorted the older servant, and they both left the gloomy room.