Taste the vampire (r-18) 3*

"Okay, I'll accept you but I can't guarantee I'll love you right away" she says "great, but now we need insurance, you know you could always cheat on him at any time" Allatu claps his hands taking the attention of the two "what do you mean ? " Betty asked doubtfully "I'm talking about a brand that we usually use for our servants ... a kind of contract that devils usually use but this is specialized for us. It works like this, if the target willingly accepts their own. master, through the act they are performing, the servant will have a rotten neck that will prevent him from rebelling against his master or harming his health, and obviously you will not be able to have other sexual partners if not him "Asteri did not know there was such a thing like "are you basically telling me they will become his toy?" asks Betty with a strange expression "technically yes, but knowing my love you won't be her toy, and she has already promised you that she will help you with your problems, a normal person would not have thought about your problems and would have thrown you as soon as yes they were fed up "

Betty looks at Asteri "How can I trust? How can I know if he does the same as 'the others'? Do I have insurance?" Asteri looks back at her "no, you have nothing to believe in, you can only trust, you will know if I am a liar or sincere" Betty sighs "aaah now we are up to here, and I only have this chance, okay I accept ... but how does it work?" she asked Allatu "I don't even know how it works already" Asteri does the same.

Allatu smiles "it's a skill that we succubus can use, but if it goes as I say my darling too can do it" Asteri raises an eyebrow "you just have to concentrate your power when you come inside her, in this way she will accept everything about you, and if all goes well the brand will appear "Asteri looks at Betty" so, are you ready? " she replies "are you just saying that now? let's go on"

Allatu makes the handcuffs disappear from Betty's arms "ok you can start over" Asteri was about to start when he was surprised by what Betty did, wrapping her legs behind his hips, a clear sign of acceptance, he looks at her and she said embarrassed "what are you looking at? ! hurry up and come "Asteri smiled and start pushing again, stronger is volece than before" aaah mmmh is damn good, why does it feel so good? " Betty puts her arms around Asteri's neck, taking advantage of this Asteri approaches her face and kisses Betty all of a sudden, a simple kiss to mold but enough to amaze Betty.

"Mmmmm" Asteri started licking his lips tasting his scent and wanting her to open her mouth. Which after a few seconds she did with him and immediately invaded her mouth with her tongue, starting a dance between the two. Betty was unprepared for that, and she could only get carried away 'that's good! why is it so damn good ?! ' Betty wonders in her mind, starting to like that kiss. Betty squeezed Asteri's head even tighter starting to grab his hair, wanting even more, which Asteri didn't pull back. After two minutes the two broke away, leaving a bridge of saliva, Betty was breathing heavily "did you like it?" Asteri said jokingly, Betty did not answer too embarrassed 'these reactions are too cute' Asteri thinks in her head, lowering herself again to start a new dance.

In the room you could only hear the sound of Asteri's balls banging against Betty's buttocks and their passionate kisses, while Allatu enjoyed all this, but not without touching herself underneath 'how much I want to be in this Betty's place'

Asteri started pumping even more and after two minutes he had arrived at that moment, which Betty felt seeing the pulsation of Asteri's penis preparing to welcome him, discharges a huge amount of semen inside Betty's uterus. of her, entering with the tip of her directly into her uterus, shooting him directly inside her "MMMMMMMH" Betty moans loudly as she kisses Asteri again. She feels a large amount of liquid enter her womb. And at the same time orgasm her too.

Asteri stays with the tip inside her uterus for a minute, making sure all the sperm enters. After that he stops the kiss and with great surprise he saw a species of oriental purple dragon making a complete turn of Betty's neck and at the end biting his tail creating a kind of collar 'he really appeared' Asteri looks at Betty, who had eyes clouded by the lust is breathing heavily 'so it means that he accepted me' Allatu approaches theirs "you did it even though I was sure, but the brand is different from that of the succubus, but I think it has the same effect, congratulations to everyone is two, "Allatu said happily.

Asteri feels two arms wrapping around his head gaurd in front of him he saw Betty who seemed to be in a state of heat "more, I want more she's not done right? So let me feel good ... you said you'd take yours responsibility "Asteri was surprised again by such a reaction but he certainly didn't let her down by starting pumping again.

Those sounds were heard in the room again, all night until morning. The rays of the sun began to enter the room through the windows illuminating the bed where three figures were asleep embraced. Asteri was in the center with Allatu on her right and Betty on her left having both arms under their heads to act as pillows, while they hugged him in the chest. Asteri was the first to wake up looking at the two sleeping beauties 'or they are still sleeping, I have to be careful not to wake them'

'You finally woke up, since your mistresses are asleep, how about taking a tour of the new base?' Aurelion suggested.