Watch yourself in the dark

The trio arrived at the village, to which they inform them that the priestess had already thought of everything, which the group opens up. The villagers were very grateful to the adventurers for what they did, and they wanted to have a party, even if they had little supplies. But Asteri and his companions politely refused as they wanted to set out immediately. Walking towards Quisque, accompanied by the greetings of the citizens, the group began the return journey.

But someone in the shadows was watching him with a watchful gaze, Asteri noticed the gaze and turned his attention in the direction of the gaze, but did not see anyone 'a false sensation?' he asked himself "Asteri? What do you have?" Allatu asked, while Betty looked at him with a confused air "ah, nothing I thought I saw a werewolf again" Asteri invented an excuse "are you sleeping by chance? the undead can't walk in the daytime" Betty said "you're right, me I'm just confused maybe it was just a wolf, a little bigger than normal "

The figure who observed them had hidden in time in the trees, avoiding Asteri's gaze 'incredible, he managed to notice me something that the master's daughter was unable to accomplish despite being stronger than the boy ... I must report it immediately' figure disappeared into the shadows.

. . .

In another place, completely on the opposite side from where Asteri and company were, there was a very gloomy looking town, in the Gothic style. Withered trees and the sky always darkened by gray clouds, here the sun's rays have not met the earth for years.

The villages were full of abandoned citizens on the street, orphaned children with only skin and bones, and in the streets there were beings dressed in black with very pale complexions and blood red eyes.

Further to the center of this country was a city, once one of the ten kingdoms, one of the vassals of the Sol empire. In the center of this city stood a castle that emanated the same aura as the country it was in. In this castle there was a very large room but completely in the dark, the only little light that could be there was the one that came through the only window that was behind what must have been the throne.

Suddenly the door of the hall opened and a vampire dressed completely in black walked in through it and walked with caution and knelt before the throne "your eminence, new news has arrived from the spy in charge of supervising your daughter" he said to the being that yes found sitting on the throne.

The poor visibility of the room could not prevent the sight of a thick lock of blood red hair of this person, the same thing could be said of his clothing, which unlike the usual vampires, was red and not black "no new news arrived for two years ... what are you waiting for, talk "he said with a bored air being seated on the throne" of course your eminence excuse me. It seems your daughter has managed to leave the castle despite the control she had by our ... collabatore "the vampire sitting on the throne, who still had his eyes closed interrupts him" I have already been updated by this fact, I would like to know how it is possible "from the vampire an overwhelming aura began to erupt that made the kneeling vampire worry" y-your eminence, apparently was freed by two adventurers, a human boy and what we believe is a succubus "

"A succubus and a human? They were of a higher level than my daughter so" the red vampire said "apparently your eminence, they were of lower degrees than your daughter" specified the kneeling vampire "what? A human inferior race, and a succubus Whose only thing he can do is seduce, have lower grades succeeded in overwhelming my daughter? " the vampire finally opened his eyes, detecting a blood red so intense that he believed that there was enough quantity inside them to fill a huge lake.

The poor kneeling vampire could only stay silent and wait for what his master said "okay, where are they headed?" asked the red vampire "currently they have almost reached the city of adventurers, Quisque my lord" he replied "Quisque? that cursed city protected by that cursed ..." the kneeling vampire did not know who his master was referring to, but he did not I dare to ask.

"Okay, keep sending someone to follow them, but don't attack them, it's not the time especially in that city. Tell them to be more careful than usual" the vampire on the throne stood up and walked to the window behind it "my sir one last question "the red vampire stopped in front of the window" what's still there? " he asked "apparently the human boy, despite the difference in level and grade with our spies, was able to detect their gaze. Even if it was just a feeling, they found that it cannot be just a coincidence, as we must behave in this regard? " the kneeling vampire asked with concern.

"He's just a human, continue the plan as planned" the red vampire didn't even turn "as your eminence wishes, if you excuse me" the kneeling vampire got up and immediately walked out of the room.

"Did you hear? So it was they who got in your way. They don't look like much but you got fooled so easily by rats, maybe I should reconsider our agreement?" the red vampire seemed to be speaking to himself "how dare you, bat! it was only an unexpected event, who would have imagined that those half socks could defeat your daughter. You assured me that she was much more skilled than her rank, but it is. so easily defeated "a hoarse voice came out of a crystalline sphere placed on a small cushion placed on a small pedestal.

Hearing those words the red vampire looked at the sphere with a sharp look "it doesn't matter, the plan will go smoothly it's not a big problem to have lost that tower ... soon I will send you other updates" the sphere did not make any more sound. The red vampire turns his gaze to the gray sky "what do you have in mind ... Betty?" I murmur almost in a silent way.

In one corner of the room stands a vampire woman who has been watching and hearing them in silence all the time.