Something Deeper is Going on

Temari tensed when she heard that the crown prince was in the drawing-room, just like what her lady's maid told her he would. She glanced at Princess Miya and was slightly relieved when she saw that the princess was no longer paying attention to her.

The commotion in the other side of the drawing-room continued. The princess stood, her expression calculating. Temari knew she was already planning ways to get the attention of the crown prince.

It was no surprise to her that the princess forgot to be polite. Without saying goodbye or even sparing Temari a glance, Princess Miya walked fast to get to where the crown prince was. Her attendant followed behind her.

"Are you not going there too, my lady?" Emma asked. She didn't even notice that her lady's maid was already standing behind her.

She turned to look at the younger woman and shook her head. "Not after she warned me not to get in her way."

Emma's eyes widened. She turned to follow Princess Miya with her eyes then she looked back at Temari. "She did?" the maid whispered.

Temari sighed. "Yes. Well, she didn't really say it explicitly but that was the gist of our conversation."

Emma frowned. "But why would she warn you and not the other ladies?"

"Well, for one, you can't be sure that she hasn't warned the other women in here, right?"

Emma blinked. "Oh, it might be the case, my lady."

Temari nodded. "She was staking her claim. She wanted to be the queen and she believes she is the most suitable among everyone."

Her lady's maid looked like she wanted to say something but held back.

"What is it? You can talk freely to me," Temari assured her.

Emma still looked unsure. She glanced around, making sure no one was around to hear. Then she told her, "It is true that she was currently the most suitable woman for the crown prince in terms of social position and family wealth. But I heard from the others that it is only because there were princesses from rich countries that failed to arrive on time for this event. No one knows the reason why. It was said that the ships all departed from their countries on time but they still haven't arrived in any of the ports of Mowsland."

Temari was surprised to hear that. "Maybe they all decided that coming here is actually not worth it and decided to come back to their countries."

Emma shook her head. She glanced around again before whispering, "There is still no news that they all came back home. They will probably still arrive here before the event ends. I believe Princess Miya wants to take advantage of the situation. She must've been planning to capture the heart of the crown prince before that happens."

Temari stared at the lady's maid. "You're so smart, Emma. And you know a lot."

Her eyes widened in surprise and… was that panic? Emma already lowered her head to show submission before Temari could confirm the emotions she saw. "Not at all, my lady. I am just someone who likes gossip. I apologize."

"There is nothing for you to apologize for, though," Temari answered honestly. "In fact, I am happy that you know a lot and that you are willing to share them with me. Look at me, Emma."

The younger woman slowly lifted her head until their eyes met. Temari smiled at her. "I am from a far place and I don't know much about everyone in here. Even though I tried to study as much as I can before I went here, I am still lacking. I am fortunate to have you as my attendant."

Emma smiled back. "Thank you, Lady Temari."

Temari nodded. "To be honest, I am also a curious person, Emma. Maybe because I had nothing else to do in our estate back home, I tend to investigate when I hear about something that catches my attention. So… do you know how we will know more about these ships that haven't arrived in Mowsland yet? I really want to know the reason why they are not here yet."

"Oh. I will try to find out, my lady."

She smiled at Emma. "Thank you."

"It is my pleasure."

Temari then stood. "Now, shall we go and explore this part of the castle?" Temari decided she will just look into the drawing-room later when everyone is gone. To do that, she must figure out how to get to this part of the castle on her own.

"You really will not go see the crown prince?" Emma asked in surprise.

Temari turned to the far side of the blue drawing-room where everyone was currently busy trying to get Rhys's attention. He was standing there with his back on a full-length mirror. On his left was Lennox Holland while on his right stood the huge royal guard named Kayden. She couldn't see who are the women in front of them and she didn't care.

"No," Temari told Emma. She looked at her lady's maid and smiled at her. "He will not notice me anyway. And I don't think it is a good idea to show Princess Miya that I am not heeding her warning."

Temari couldn't shake the feeling that Princess Miya is scheming something. She is not just here simply to marry a prince just like the dreams most women have. There was something in her eyes when they were talking earlier; not just determination but also greed.

Temari knew those emotions well. She always sees it in the face of the people who live in the streets and in the dark alleys of Clearbury. Those emotions are often evident in the eyes of people who are trying hard to survive another day, even if it means getting their hands dirty with somebody else's blood.

But it is impossible for Princess Miya to feel that kind of desperation, right? After all, she never had to live in the streets. She is a princess of a wealthy country. Surely, there is no reason for her to be desperate… right?