Chapter 6: It's You!

Sabrina’s POV

The travel in the elevator to the top floor of the building, feels never ending. Each time a new floor ticks over, I feel myself getting even more nervous to meet my new boss. From what Jessica has said, he’s really nice and knows what he’s looking for in a secretary because he’s a very busy man.

Jessica forgot to mention his name, which would be something to mention first thing if I were her. I really should’ve researched the CEO of the company beforehand, so I knew what I was walking in to.

The elevator finally dings at floor 60. I take a deep breath as I follow Jessica out into a space that isn’t as large at floor 45, but definitely grander. There is only one large office and what appears to be a desk space for the secretary. A large kitchenette occupies the space to the right when you walk in, but other than that there is no one else on the floor.

Jessica stops mid step to face me, “Now Sabrina, you will be up here by yourself so I’ll hook you up with a new email address so you can communicate with everyone in the building because most people will be contacting you first.”

I gulp, trying to put a smile on my face, “Of course, that shouldn’t be an issue.”

Jessica shoots me a quick smile before turning to walk to the office. She stops just outside the door to give it a knock. A deep voice calls for us to come in.

I take a deep breath.

The first thing I notice when we walk into the room wasn’t the beautiful art pieces on the wall or the soft looking grey carpet, but two glowing green eyes staring back at me. They knock me back with such force that I stumble, gripping the door handle for support.

Jessica jumps at the noise, and turns to face me, “Are you okay?”

I’m so embarrassed. That was so dramatic and unnecessary, but the shock hit me like a tidal wave.

“Sabrina,” Jessica smiles, gesturing for me to come forward, “Meet the CEO of EarthX Enterprises, and your new boss, Atlas Collins.”


The man who has been haunting my dreams since our chance meeting a few days ago.

The man with the most unique eyes I’ve ever seen that turn me into literal putty.

The man who I spilt coffee on and tried to save my a** from getting fired.

The same man who is now my new boss.

Am I in some sort of dreamland where I haven’t woken up from the night before? Or maybe Dylan slipped some of his magic mushrooms into my dinner last night and now I’m hallucinating.

I never thought I would see Atlas again. The city is enormous, but somehow, we’re face to face again.

He is watching me carefully; his gaze lingers on me for a little too long before Jessica clears her throat. Atlas shakes his head and gives me a small wink, diverting his eyes away from mine. I lean against the door in an attempt to find my footing and stop my brain from running a hundred miles an hour.

“Sabrina will be your new secretary,” Jessica sounds enthusiastic, “So, make sure you treat her well and show her how you like things done around here.”

Atlas nods his head, flashing a toothy smile, “Of course. Thank you, Jess. I’ll see you around.”

I take a step away from the door to let Jessica leave. She flashes a look of concern my way, but it’s quickly replaced with a smile.

The room falls silent when the door closes behind us. I’m struggling to form sentences at this point, a weakness of mine when I’m shocked and anxious. I’ve been like this since as long as I can remember. Sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me.

Atlas stands from his desk, dressed sharply in a pleaded grey three-piece suit. I can’t stop myself from staring at the way it fits his muscly arms and toned legs. I wonder if he works out a lot.

“Please, take a seat,” he gestures to the two black leather seats in front of his large mahogany desk.

I hesitate for a moment, but when I look into his eyes, it’s like I’m put into a trance. I do as he says and take a seat.

“I didn’t think I would see you this soon,” Atlas smiles, a flirtatious look on his face.

I’m thinking the same thing, too. Surely this must be a coincidence, as if the universe is forcing us together. I never used to believe in fate, but the evidence in this instance is overpowering.

I attempt to clear my throat before I speak, but I just sound like a dying cat. Super unattractive.

“I had pictured you as a CEO when we first met,” I confess, wanting to gauge his reaction.

Atlas smirks, leaning back in his seat, “So, you’ve been thinking about me.”

Well, that backfired. I have been thinking about him, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“No,” My response is quick, “You wish.”

He laughs, and it’s what summer would sound like if it could laugh. This man is so intoxicating that I feel like I’m drunk without touching a drop of alcohol.

“Well, Sabrina,” he begins, standing from his chair to sit on the large windowsill behind him, “I’m glad you applied for this position because I’ve been in desperate need for a new secretary.”

As I had imagined, the view of the city behind him is breathtaking, but my eyes stay focused on him because he’s so mesmerizing.

“Are you sure you’re up for the job?” He questions, clasping his hands together in his lap, “Because I need your full attention if this is going to work out.”

You already have my full attention.

I shift in my seat, nervous that I might say out loud what my brain is currently thinking, “I’m more than willing to put everything I have into this job.”

He nods his head, “Especially since you got fired from your previous job.”

My heart sinks to my toes, “How do you know about that?”

He shrugs, moving across the room to sit on the edge of the desk right in front of me, “I have my ways. Being a wealthy CEO in this city does have its perks.”

I’m not sure what to make of his comment. I didn’t think he would care to check in on me after the incident the other day because I’m sure he meets lots of people every day but doesn’t take notice of them. So, why am I different? Was this job even a coincidence or did he set this up? Deep down, I want to believe it’s a coincidence.

“Are you stalking me?” I say in a playful tone, to try and lighten the mood.

He chuckles, “Not at all. I’m just trying to make things right.”

Make things right? What does that mean?

Atlas claps his hands together and stands to his feet, forcing me to look up at him from my seated position.

“I’m eager to have you on the team, so let’s jump into it,” he’s glowing as he smiles, “Does nine tomorrow morning work for you?”

I nod my head, “You’re the boss, so of course.”