Chapter 10: The Big Ideas

Sabrina’s POV

It’s been several weeks since I started working with Atlas. He’s an amazing boss; always on time, willing to answer any questions I have, and he always values my opinions. We work a lot of late nights together because he’s working on a presentation to give to the board members.

He won’t tell me exactly what he’s going to propose because he doesn’t want any loose lips going around the office. I get that he doesn’t fully trust me because we haven’t known each other long and doesn’t want to run the risk of his idea being leaked. The presentation needs to go well otherwise Atlas could lose investors.

Atlas and I are standing in the room where the presentation will be held. It’s ten minutes away from starting and Atlas hasn’t said a single word to me. I want to make him feel comfortable and less stressed, but I don’t know how. I’m sure if I say something to lighten the mood, it could backfire on me and make him feel even worse. All I can do is be a silent support for when he needs me.

“This is a very important presentation,” Atlas mutters for the tenth time since we’ve been in here.

I nod my head, “I know. It’s a big day.”

Atlas stops pacing the room to look me dead in the eye, “What if I f*ck up and lose everything I have?”

I’m shocked by his use of language. I’m the potty mouth around here, not him.

“Don’t worry,” I try to reassure him, “Everything will run smoothly. We’ve been working on the presentation for weeks now. Nothing can go wrong.”

I see his shoulders loosen momentarily. The pressure he must be feeling right now would be so overwhelming, especially because this company is his baby and his livelihood. Having to be the main man to come up with fresh ideas and new inventions must be a huge weight on his shoulders, one that most people wouldn’t have the strength to carry.

Atlas runs his hands through his hair, messing up the neat waves. I walk over and do my best to fix them while he regains his composure. His hair is so soft and smells of coconut and vanilla. I do my best to restrain myself from leaning on to the tip of my toes and taking a big whiff.

I hadn’t realized how close we’re standing until I look up and get lost in a sea of green. I can feel Atlas’s soft breath on my lips, and a cold shiver is sent up my spine. How does this man manage to pull me in on an invisible rope I didn’t know I was attached to?

“Sabbie,” Atlas breathes, before the door to the room swings open.

We jump apart just as the board members begin to enter the room, their voices filling the large space.

Did he just call me Sabbie? Only my family calls me that.

Atlas clears his throat and moves to the front of the room. I take a seat next to the projector in preparation for the slideshow to start.

When the room is quiet, Atlas begins his speech. He starts of by addressing the room and thanking everyone for coming. The way he presents himself in front of a group of people is intoxicating. He’s confident, smart and a hard worker, and I think that’ll show itself during the presentation.

“I have been brainstorming many new invention ideas,” Atlas states, “I didn’t want to settle on something that could make us money over the years. I created an idea that can make a profit rather quickly.”

When he flips to the next slide, an animated picture of his invention is plastered on the screen – a ring with a small fingerprint pad on top.

“This device is going to be a state-of-the-art security system that comes in the form of a ring,” Atlas states, flipping through the slides, “It is simple and easy to use. The user installs a new lock on their front door that links to an app they can download on their phone.”

I look around the room and can see the board members giving each other a look as Atlas talks. I hope they’re interested in the idea because its’s amazing, but I have this nagging feeling that I’ve heard about this idea before even though Atlas claims it’s an original. I shake the feeling off; I’m sure I’m just imagining it.

“When the person leaves their home, they close the door behind them and to activate the lock all they need to do is place their finger on the small pad and the door will lock instantly. These locks can be attached to any door or window in the house for extra protection. It’s an efficient way that eliminates the use of housekeys and the fear of locking yourself out.”

The presentation continues with Atlas discussing finances and when he can have the prototype built by. I can’t gauge the reactions on the faces of the board members but I’m sure they’re interested in the idea. How could they not be?

Atlas wraps the presentation up and farewells the members, who promise to be in touch about their thoughts on the new invention. When everyone leaves the room, Atlas is glowing. There is a smile on his face that I’m sure would be impossible to wipe off in this moment.

“That was amazing,” He exclaims, breathing a sigh of relief, “I don’t think it could’ve gone any better.”

I can’t contain the smile on my face when I see how happy and excited he is.

“It was a great presentation,” I gush, “I’m sure the board members will come back with positive feedback.”

“Up top,” Atlas utters, raising his hand in the air for a high five.

I laugh at how childish he is and slap my palm against his.

“I think we should celebrate,” he announces, packing up his computer.

"Oh yeah? How?” I question.

Atlas moves to the door, looking over his shoulder, “Champagne in my office?”

How can I pass up that opportunity?

I follow him out the door, “Of course.”

Back in Atlas’s office, he pops a bottle of champagne even though it’s only two in the afternoon. Working here has been an eye opener. Having worked in a café for many years, I didn’t realize that working can actually be fun. I was worried to laugh and joke around in case I got in trouble, but here, Atlas encourages that kind of behavior.

Atlas pours me a glass of champagne and we raise them in the air. Over the rim of the glass, I can see Atlas staring at me with a little twinkle in his eye and soft smile on his lip. I shy away, trying not to make eye contact with him.

“A toast,” he announces, “To you.”

I’m shocked for a moment. I thought this was meant to be about him, so how did I become the main topic? He was the brains behind the whole presentation; I was just there for moral support.

“Me?” I ask, confused.

Atlas nods his head, “Without you, I couldn’t have done this. You were so much more important to this project then you could ever know. Having you by my side has kept me grounded and calm. And for that, I thank you.”

I’m so touched by his words that I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I don’t care if he sees it. I have never felt this appreciated in my life. Doing work that benefits someone else is a reward I didn’t know I needed.

“You’re too kind,” I mutter, trying to find the right words to express how I feel, “I’ll always be by your side.”

Atlas taps his glass to mine, locking his eyes with mine, “I look forward to it.”