Chapter 8: Coffee Stains

Sabrina’s POV

I spent way too long on my hair and makeup this morning for my first day at work. Dylan helped me pick out a cute office attire dress that’s appropriate to wear. I was a bit unsure at first. I’ve never had to dress this formally before, so I’m a bit uncomfortable moving around the public transport system because old men keep staring at me and eyeing me up and down.

F*cking men, seriously.

I’m nervous about meeting all the new people I’ll be communicating with because Atlas seems like a very busy man and I’m sure will have dozens of employees trying to contact him for approval or advice. Managing his time and meetings is not going to be easy.

The elevator ride is just as long as yesterday. My leg bounces up and down on the spot because I’m nervous to start working and I’m nervous to see Atlas. He’s a very flirty man, and I’m sure he knows the effect he has on me just by saying my name or looking at me with his eyes.

The doors open onto floor 60, and my eyes are drawn to the name on the main office. My feet take me there without thinking and I knock softly to let him know I’m here. I hear him call out to enter and I try my best to open the door at a normal pace because my heart is beating out of chest and I don’t want to make a fool out of myself.

Atlas has a pen between his teeth and is looking over documents that I’m sure are very important. The way his reading glasses sit on the bridge of his nose is exquisite to me, but most people would find it normal.

I stand awkwardly by the door because I don’t know what to do in this moment. Do I sit down on the seat in front of his desk or does he want me to stand by the door. My brain is turning like a hamster wheel on full speed.

Atlas looks up from the paper in his hands when he sees I haven’t moved. He slowly removes the pen from his mouth and watches me carefully.

“Are you going to sit down?” He questions, pointing the pen at the seats, “Or do you want to stand there? I won’t be much longer.”

I shrug, shifting on my feet, “I’m happy to stand.”

He stifles a smile and returns his attention to the task at hand.

To distract myself, I look around his office. I hadn’t paid any attention to the small details when I was here yesterday because I was too shocked and nervous. Now that I’m really looking around, either Atlas has an amazing interior designer or he himself has an eye for decoration.

The color of the walls and carpet match the décor beautifully. Everything ties in together; nothing feels out of place or lost. There isn’t many objects lying around, everything is neatly kept and in its place. Maybe he should come to my apartment and give it a spring clean if this is how he likes his workspace to look.

Atlas stands from his desk, removing his glasses and placing them gently on the desk. He shoves his hands into his pocket and moves to stand in front of me.

“I’m excited to have you as my new secretary,” He states, tilting his head to watch me carefully, “I’ll spend as much time with you as I can, teaching you everything you need to know. It isn’t overly hard to understand, but there is a lot to go over. So, shall I show you to your desk?”

I nod and follow him out of his office. We spend the next two hours going over his clients, meeting schedules and the other employee I’ll be working with and what their jobs are. He spent some time explaining how he built the company from the ground up and what he hopes to achieve in the future.

Not once do I take my eyes off him when he’s speaking. He has this ability to draw me in just by the sound of his voice and the way he speaks so passionately about his livelihood. I admire how hard he must’ve had to work to get to where he is now. He is one of the many people who strive to be successful and make a difference in this world.

Around lunch time, Atlas leaves for a meeting, so I’m left by myself working the phones. Atlas did tell me to make myself comfortable and use whatever food I like in the fridge for lunch.

A few different employees have come up to the floor to introduce themselves. Everyone is so lovely and inviting. They’re making me feel so comfortable here already. There was one woman, Jane, who wasn’t very nice. She came up with the group and barely spoke to me.

Some employees offered to stay and have lunch with me which really warmed my heart. I’m standing in the kitchen talking to a man who works in accounting, when I overhear Jane talking to another woman about me.

“Yeah, I think she got the job because she’s young and definitely Atlas’s type. I’m sure she would do anything for him, if you know what I mean?” Jane snickers, trying to keep her voice low so I don’t hear.

It didn’t work, though. I feel sick to my stomach at her comments. I’m not here to try and sleep with the CEO like most people would think. I’m not sure why she’s talking badly about me when she barely knows me.

I know she works in marketing, so maybe she’s jealous of me, which I would understand because working so close to Atlas would be a perk of the job.

I excuse myself from the conversation and move to the coffee machine next to Jane. She stops talking to the other woman as soon as I’m in ear shot.

“So, Jane,” I begin speaking, looking over to see if she’s listening, “I thought I would let you know that I didn’t get this job because I want to sleep with Atlas.”

Jane looks at me in complete shock, and to be honest, I’m shocked by myself too. Instead of taking a back seat and letting rumors circulate on my first day, I need to establish boundaries with my colleagues.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” She mumbles, “I didn’t say that.”

I pour the hot water into the coffee mug and stir the coffee in, “You don’t need to lie. I get it’s weird having someone new in the office but once you get to know me, I’m sure we can get along.”

When I turn to face her, the handle of the mug slips out of my hand. Just like the other day, I watch the hot liquid fly through the air in slow motion, landing on Jane’s black pant suit.

As she screams in shock, I have flashbacks to what happened with Atlas. Maybe I’m not meant to be around coffee because I’m too clumsy.

Jane’s eyes are wild as she stares back at me. I almost feel bad for spilling it on her, but then I think back to how she was speaking about me and the guilt goes away.

“How dare you!” She yells, everyone in the room is watching the interaction intently.

“It was an accident,” I mumble, trying to avoid eye contact.

“Well, this wasn’t,” She spits and lifts her arm up in my direction. The contents in the bottom of her mug come pouring out.

I lift my hands to shield myself, but it’s no use. The liquid hits my chest, dripping down my clothing. Jane and I stare at each other, both standing in puddles of coffee.