Chapter 17: Reconciliation

Sabrina’s POV

The afternoon drags on as I answer calls, schedule meetings and other small tasks Atlas usually asks me to complete. I’ve had several colleagues ask me why they can’t get in contact with Atlas, so I had to send out an email explaining that Atlas is at home sick but will return to work tomorrow.

I haven’t heard him stir in his office for several hours, so I hope he’s okay and is still breathing. I ordered take out for when he wakes up because I know he’ll be starving; who knows how long he hasn’t eaten for.

Just before five p.m. Atlas opens his office door and peaks his head out, his eyes half shut as he searches the area. His eyes open wide when they land on me and he walks further out into my desk space.

Atlas looks at me with wide eyes. He has the wool blanket wrapped tight around his shoulders, but the bottom of his torso peaks out from the open space and I have to force myself to not look down there.