Sabrina’s POV
It’s been twenty minutes since Atlas got the phone call in the breakroom. I couldn’t quite understand the topic of conversation because the call didn’t last long. When I tried to ask him what had happened, he ignored me and walked into his office.
He’s been sitting at his desk with his head in his hands, not saying a single word this whole time. I followed him in here and sat quietly in the chair across from him, awkwardly looking around the room while I wait for him to speak. Atlas hasn’t moved a single muscle or spoken to me. I’m beginning to worry that the phone call was some bad news he is trying to process.
Today has just been a cluster f*ck. First, Jane got fired because she is literally insane. Second, I asked Atlas how he felt about me, and he totally blew me off. Third, Atlas got a phone call that has sent him spiraling. Could today get any worse?