Real, gritty romances might actually outshine Fairytale ones

Ickapoo finds ideal love because he settles from a real, material lover rather than a romanticized, hyperbolic ideal.

Many have lauded Romeo and Juliet as a celebration of transcendental idealized notions of heterosexual romantic love. While this is true, the play remains a tragedy about the failure to realize this sort of grand metaphysical love in a fallen material world hostile to its realization. Romeo and Juliet is also less a tale of grand abiding and deep passion as it is a tale of teenage infatuation for the protagonists are barely into adulthood. However it remains a tale of idealized romantic love, that its protagonists fall in love at first sight does not dilute the intensity and authenticity of the passion that is described.

“O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?" (2.2.33)