Meaning as Revelation of the Metaphysical

Ickapoo seeks meaning. To find meaning he has to read, interpret, decipher, unveil the metaphysical.

Originally founded by Husserl on the doctrine of intentionality to return to the things themselves as a purer science of knowledge that was presuppositionless and based on strict observation of phenomena, phenomenology has witnessed a split into opposing camps of transcendental idealism espoused by Husserl and an empirical psychology espoused by his followers and detractors, Heidegger, Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty, Levinas and Ricoeur. Subsequently phenomenology has seen a split along the lines of idealism and post-metaphysics, not unlike the split in metaphysics between idealism and realism. Has phenomenology broken away from metaphysics only to fall into a similar paradox and division? The debate has implications for a conception of truth: which version of phenomenology is a more accurate reading of the thing and the event?