War, famine destroys

Ickapoo's journey to community is redemptive, because he is Noble rather than Savage, a rare gem and diamond amidst vast masses of dead soil, mud, ground.

There are many images of redemption amidst the hell of war-“Saw God through the mud”, “merry to laugh” “Dropped off fear” “Faces that curse are seraphic” “Perceived much beauty”

Through these images we are falsely led to believe that war is initially redemptive. For instance the poet thinks he experiences divine experiences such as witnessing God through the mud, and the sharing merry companionship and camaraderie with his fellow soldiers, and overcoming fear through the companionship.

Even the faces that curse are seraphic, suggesting that there are angels during wartime and even though the experience is hellish these soldiers are raised to angelic status. Also the poet states there is beauty even amidst the suffering as he perceived much beauty.