Prologue Part 2

Chapter 4: Prologue Part 2


"I'm ready to cash in that favor, Rutledge."

I was straddling Edge's waist, knowing I was paler than usual and wide-eyed in the dark. Bash was still asleep, curled into Edge's side. They were such an odd, yet perfectly matched pair. I was equally envious and happy for them.

"How did you get in my dorm, Mac?"

Such a silly question. When would something as simple as a locked door ever deter me from getting where I wanted to be? I lifted an eyebrow and told him, "Don't waste my time, Edge. I need your help, and you owe me… BIG."

I pushed off his muscular chest and gracefully swung my body off the side of the huge bed. I started pacing back and forth, twisting my pale hands together in a rare sign of nervousness.

Edge sat up and grumbled, "What did you do, O'Shea?" He knew me all too well.

Before he and Bash had been a thing, Edge had been my go-to guy when I needed to feel good. He got me, and I always understood I was never going to get him.

"What did you barter with that you owe him so huge?" The question was asked sleepily, as Bash let it be known we'd woken him up. He didn't even bother to turn over when he asked the question. He was such a pretty boy. It was a shame that Edge had claimed him before anyone else got a chance to play.

Who could resist that bad boy vibe?

I laughed in the dark, knowing it sounded slightly hysterical. I told Bash, "He wanted your ass, and I assured him I would deliver it. No one else was going to bother to drag your emo ass to that birthday party. It was worth more than one favor, but since the one I'm about to ask is so huge, I'll consider us even." Whoever would've thought I was so good at playing Cupid?

Edge was getting impatient now that his boyfriend was awake, and I was dropping some truth bombs between them.

"Seriously, tell me what's going on so we can go back to bed."

I raked my fingers through my hair and puffed out an agitated breath. "Theo and Klein got into a fight. Klein has a black eye, and Theo has a broken front tooth and possibly a broken nose. They were both being reckless and ridiculous." I was exaggerating a bit. The damage wasn't really that bad, but they did both look worse for wear. Edge didn't need the exact details. I’d give him just enough he would do what I wanted without too many questions.

The declaration had Bash sitting up next to Edge, the comforter he was snuggling under falling to his waist. I admired the view as he took over the questioning. "Where did they fight? Does the school know? Did they get expelled?"

I spun on my heel and started pacing again. The truth needed to be tweaked to get him to work as quickly as I wanted him to.

"They got into a fight in the dorm. I don't think anyone at the school knows, so they haven't been expelled, yet. But as soon as you look at them, it's going to be obvious they were in a fight. Theo can lose his scholarship, and I don't think Klein's dad would take too kindly to him being expelled. They're both so stupid. I need you to make sure they aren't kicked out of school, Edge. You have to help me stop this from happening. Even if they lie about it, it's so obvious they fought with each other. Everyone knows they're mortal enemies."

Bash sleepily asked, "Why do you care, Mac? Let them get what's coming to them. In the real world, you can't go around beating up everyone you don't like."

I refused to look away from Edge. "I was confused once, and really angry at the world. They're taking out their frustration on each other because they don't know any other way to deal with it. I think I can help them with that, but not if they destroy their futures before I get a chance to intervene."

Edge lifted an eyebrow and cuddled his boyfriend close to his side. He sounded slightly curious when he asked, "So, I figure out a way to keep them in school, then what?"

A curious Edge was a good thing. It meant I at least had his attention.

"You keep them in school, and then I blackmail them into giving in to what they both want. If I save their asses, that means I own them."

It was pretty much what I warned the boys with.

"I told you no sexual exploitation when we made the deal," Edge reminded me of the caveat flatly.

I snorted. "I'm not going to force them to fuck, but when I'm done with them, they'll want to. Trust me, Edge. I know what I'm doing."

At least, I hoped I did. I'd been watching both Theo and Klein for a very long time. One might call it an obsession. I wouldn't be able to argue with that assessment. I thought about both of them more often than I cared to admit. And I focused more on their dynamic with each other than I did my own shit-show of a love life.

Edge sighed and rubbed a hand over his too-handsome face. "I blew my only favor with my father getting Bash back in school, so I can't guarantee anything, but I'll see what I can do. What do you get out of forcing two supposedly straight boys into a relationship neither wants?"

I dropped my eyes to the floor and shook my head. "It's the right thing to do." I didn't know why I felt like forcing Theo and Klein to examine their feelings on a deeper level was so important, but I honestly couldn't stop myself from forcing them together.

Eventually, Edge grunted his agreement, and I felt like a giant weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was on my way out of his room when he growled, "Also, no more crawling into bed with us. You can ask to join, or you can wait to be invited, but no more surprise visits. And no more pictures of us sleeping."

I took a minute to consider it, then dropped my chin in a sharp nod of agreement. I got lonely easily, and Edge was the only one who understood why I needed to crawl into bed with him to feel comfort and care. And Bash was my roommate. He also happened to be much kinder and gentler than his outward appearance led one to believe. So he was always up for a snuggle when I was feeling particularly down. There was nothing sexual about the contact at all. It was something my heart needed, not my dick. It would be a hard promise to keep, but nonetheless I made it.

"Fine. Make this go away, and I'll go away."

Bash snorted, but his tone was light when he told me, "You don't have to go away. I've gotten used to having you around. Like Edge said, just ask. We'll make room for you when you're lonely."

He left the room shortly after that leaving me and Edge alone. I wasn't surprised when one of the only friends I had asked in a somber tone, "You want to tell me why you really want to jump in the middle of this mess? You're too smart and too selfish to think you can bend those boys to your will."

It was impossible to meet Edge's probing gaze, but I told him the truth. "I have to try."

Failure was not an option in the world I came from, and often it ended up getting you killed. So, I planned to succeed, even if the Rockstar and the Allstar wanted me to leave things alone.