
Chapter 31: Klein

I woke up with the vague awareness that I'd gone from being the one being held, to being the one doing the holding. At some point I didn't wake up when Theo left or when Mac entered. It happened seamlessly and silently. I knew I should have registered the difference, at least subconsciously, but I hadn't. My body simply accepted the presence of either of them and reacted without any conscious input from me to adjust to their particular needs. Theo needed to protect and possess. Mac needed comfort and someone else to hold onto. Somehow I fit myself into the appropriate role without even opening my eyes.

I must've made a noise or shifted my weight, because while I was trying to figure out a logical way to explain how I'd gone to bed with one boy and woken up next to another without waking up, Mac's bright green eyes opened and met mine with sleepy curiosity.