Joining the rebellion part 3

Once the shots were out, Mark cursed his ignorance of the situation. Since these basic guns had no silencers, the shots produced a small sound when fired.

Since the distance between him and the monster was large enough to be of significance, the other dodged. 

The monster was fast, faster than any of the common ones which could be found in the area and it;s features varied too greatly for it to be a common and local vegetation. There was no doubt in Mark's mind that this was an abnormality.

The monster took off in fight, the gunshot now a variable he had no knowledge of. 

When Mark reached the spot it had been, he could not find anything of significance just what had attracted the attention of that creature to make him stop right here?

"H-hello. T-thank you for saving my life" the bush rustled at his side which made him aware that he had not been as alone as he had thought before.