The Poison pit part 2

The party moved ahead without delay. Even with the added danger, their mission remained the same as ever. However, the deeper they went inside this new area, the thinner the tree density got till there was nothing left for them to step on.

"This is as far as Suzy could have led you. Suzy would not advise anyone who is not Suzy or like Suzy to go ahead from here" the girl was not looking at them when she issued this warning. Her glazed over eyes were likely seeing something different from them.

"Great. A dead-end" Alan complained as soon as he stopped and looked ahead. They had covered a significant portion of the forest with relative ease but he had no idea how they would be able to proceed from here onwards.

The teen had already noticed how peculiar Suzy and her condition was so he had no idea she held some special circumstances. Her warning only solidified that hypothesis Alan had.