The hidden mystery part 3

And he fired the arrow at the coming target which did not miss at all. A lot more came which he dealt with without much problem. Compared to what he had faced before and the fire burning inside, this was child's play.

"Alan, be careful from here on out. I'm getting strong ratings from the surrounding areas" Mark warned the teen who did not seem to find it that difficult to believe. Every territory had their deeper parts where the monsters were unmanageable.

He had expected to hit this area a lot sooner than they had and it was a surprise to him that it had taken such a long time for them to hit this area at all. In fact, the sensor had started its warning sound a long time ago.

"Is there something wrong with the sensor?" Alan could not help but ask since that had thrown his whole rhythm off. The monsters had started to attack as soon as the sensor had started but they could be coming out of their hiding as well.