The secret base #1- part 1

There were things left to do but first.

"We need to pack. A long journey awaits us ahead of here. Did you inform Luna about our whereabouts?" Alan nodded and Mark finally pulled himself up. It was time things started for real, the era of humanity was about to come back and this was the very first step into that journey. 

"Brother does know where we are but are you sure you want him here? He's rigid and not going to be a lot of help" Which was likely true but he was another heavy hitter, perhaps even the best out of them ever since he took the vial. Mark knew the other was powerful but this would be on a new scale now. 

And such an ally would be invaluable once they enter this situation since they were going into a situation they had no idea about. Anything after this was an uncharted territory that was terrifying to think about.