Fire - 2

"I can feel Yun. Should we go look for him?" they should since Yun had Alan with him. But Mark was also worried for Luna and Kuro whom he had not seen yet. The decision was tricky but the need to ensure Alan's safety won out in the end.

"Let's go and see the kids first. Then we should plan what to do next" hopefully, Luna would get himself out of trouble on his own and meet them on the way.

As they ran through the base, many things got registered through Mark's mind which he ignored in favour of making his way through the place.

There was a lack of life there, human or otherwise. A lack of moment as well, with stillness taking over the never-changing landscape. The more Mark saw it, the more familiar the place looked to him. it felt as if the place had stopped ageing in time and now was an ancient relic they had to preserve.