Meeting their end - 2

Even Liam, who was a sole authority and the reason behind Mark being alive in the first place, thought the same. And also, Alan would prefer if his brother lived to tell another day. The kid did not know Mark in this life, or rather, in this saved file so he was unlikely to be sad about his death.

As for Kuro, she would likely find the other half of her soul and would not have to suffer as much as she did last time. It would also save a lot of time and effort on the resistance part should not be there to foil their plans.

This was what he believed and Mark was ready to meet his end.

However, before he could feel the monster collide with his flesh, something other met the monster and caused its demise. The small bullet had made a clean hole through the other side of the monster's body.

That bullet was not familiar but it did not matter when it had just saved his life.