Chapter 3: Death would be better.

Chapter 3: Death would be better.

Murry wasn’t sure how long he was on the table with the strange aliens coming in and out of the exit. Finally, after what felt like years, the hairy creatures were back to leaning over him. Tears welled up at the corners of his eyes to then slide into his hairline. One stupid decision, and he was going to be dissected. Curiosity killed the cat. That’s what his mom always said. Yes. He might be the dead cat soon.

“Welcome to our spaceship.” The fat one returned to Murry’s side and trailed a nail down Murry’s chest. “This is your new home until you die, Earthling. Our language band will help you understand what we want.” Saliva dripped onto Murry’s chest from the enormous teeth. “We will only give directions once.”

“If you do not need us, Derbergurs,” one of the creatures opened the door. “We will leave you with your human toy.”

Two of the monsters walked out of Murry’s line of sight. The door closed with a final thud. As he shivered on the table, he tried to process everything he just learned. This was his home? Spaceship? Until he died? That last part had him wanting to piss himself. If it weren’t for the fact that he didn’t have to pee, there would have been a urine puddle on the table.

The fat alien used his nails to remove Murry's socks while a younger alien stood by his side. Murry’s underwear was torn off next. His fear overrode shyness. The fat one’s recruit began to remove parts of the table. The areas that still supported Murry’s frame were his head and back, feet and calves, and wrists. The rest of the flat surfaces were stacked toward the cages. When the monster recruit was finished removing the excess table parts, the two aliens circled him.

“I’m told humans are fragile,” the younger alien spoke first.

“Very. We don’t get them much,” the older leader agreed.

“Why not?”

“The Dagerstanteens protect this quadrant around Earth. But they were too slow this time.”

The fat one, as Murry was now calling him, ran his nails down Murry’s rib as he spoke. Warm rivulets of blood coated Murry’s skin. He screamed. The burning from the sharp claws brought fresh tears to his eyes. The sound was muffled well by the wide pole filling up his mouth.

“He is kind of small for my first.” The recruit alien moved between his legs, and Murry began to cry. He prayed for someone to help him. He begged for this nightmare to end. He hoped he would wake up, and this never happened.

“We can get a bigger one next time.” The fat one laughed.

Something thick probed Murry’s anus. Nails scored his thighs. Pressure between his ass cheeks went on and on like the younger alien was pushing a piece of wood covered in steel wool inside of him.

In his head, Murry pleaded. He had never had sex of any kind with a man or a woman. He begged for the burning stretching of his hole to ease. He didn’t want to be used. Dissection was better. With the item in his mouth, all he could do was whimper and cry. Murry’s calls and weak struggles brought the fat one closer. The fat alien ran a nail down Murry’s cheek. Once more, he felt the wash of blood.

As much as all the scratches burned, nothing could take away the horrible feeling of something huge, rough, and sharp entering him. Fighting his bonds, the widening fire in his body intensified. Thoughts ran through his head. He was a toy. This was his fault for not going to the bus station. He’d been curious, and now this happened. Murry wished he were dead. He was utterly horrified that this thing was taking him.

Blood seemed to be creating a lubricant for the recruit alien as he drove deeper. Murry’s blood didn’t really seem to help much, but the more the young, thin alien slid inside of him, the more Murry wondered if this was how he was going to die. Could someone die from sex? Probably alien sex.

“Not so deep,” the fat one admonished. “But harder.”

Harder? Now Murry was positive that this was how his life would end. A part of him wished for his demise to be swift. Couldn’t they just cut his throat?

The fat one waved his hand. “I’ll show you.”

The young recruit stepped away, ripping himself from Murry’s body. The move caused Murry to scream as a wave of dizziness hit him.

Closing his eyes, Murry tried to disconnect his mind from what was happening. When he opened the lids again, he wished he hadn’t. The recruit stood at his side. His alien penis was a swollen hairspray can-shape covered in wiry hair. Between the alien’s legs was Murry’s blood. The monster didn’t even bother to wipe the red liquid away but only swiped at the sticky mess matting down the springy curls.

As Murry stared, he figured that the use of the word penis was as accurate a description as he had. Although that shape didn’t look like any dick Murry had ever seen. He lifted his eyes to the ceiling trying to remove the image from his brain. He wasn’t going to live through this.

The fat one stepped between his legs. Once more, Murry shouted and tried to fight the bonds holding him. The thing in his mouth muffled his yell. He tried to brace himself for the excruciating agony of being entered.

“Watch me.” The fat one motioned to the younger alien at his side.

Murry closed his eyes and searched for anything to think about that wasn’t the alien between his stretched open legs. When he was younger, his mother taught him meditation to still his mind. She pushed the quiet contemplation on him when he was raging at his inability to talk. She used guided mediation when he was a child. As he got older, they did yoga, and he sat in nature trying to silence his turbulent frustrated feelings.

His bohemian hippy mom was laughed at for her efforts to help him cope with his handicaps. Most people said what she taught him he didn’t understand. They said she was wasting her time, but he got the hang of it. Now, desperately, he attempted to find that calm place in his head. Where was his lake of serenity?

The pressure against his hole was too intense. Roughly, Murry was jarred back to the forceful stretching of his hole. The widening of his anus was agonizing. If anything, he was being scraped and clawed from the inside. His body screamed as the pressure continued. Unexpectedly, the fat one slammed into him. The pain hit a peak. Murry’s world went black.