Chapter 76: What's in a name?
Once they were alone, Rhylent simply stared at Chasm and Norwell. He tapped his drinking tentacle against his thigh as if lost in thought. For the second time today, Chasm was subject to inspection. Oddly, this review didn’t feel as strange to him. The Dagerstanteen wasn’t a healthy woman like Jazz, and even though Rhylent could probably tell that Chasm was missing parts, Chasm got the feeling Rhylent had seen worse.
Rhylent scanned his body from his shaved head to where his toes would be if he still had them. He then did the same thing to Norwell. He noted her messy golden hair and her skinny naked frame. The alien even eyed the dried blood on her skin.
After a few more minutes, Rhylent turned to his dashboard and tapped on a new glass plate.
“Your name is Norwell?” Rhylent directed his words to the console as if he spoke to his ship instead of them. He moved a joystick and didn’t appear interested in her answer.