Chapter 95: Alien sex is fun.

Chapter 95: Alien sex is fun.

“I have been doing some extensive research on human male anatomy.” Rhylent moved even closer to Chasm until Chasm’s back and ass were pressed against the waist-high crate. “I thought that you might like to have the information I have collected.”

“Is it like…” Chasm hunted for the correct words. “Is it like what we did last night?” Although Chasm tried to hide his thoughts, he knew that he failed in keeping the hopefulness out of his voice. He could tell when Rhylent smirked at him.

“Yes.” A tiny smile tipped up the side of Rhylent’s mouth. “I was just considering that we would work more efficiently on the ship if we were not distracted,” Rhylent said slowly. “We could take care of our craving for each other.”