Chapter 107: In the hospital.

Chapter 107: In the hospital.

The beeping wouldn’t let up, and Chasm didn’t know how to get the annoying noise to stop. Was this a new kind of cruelty? His head throbbed, and his mouth was so dry he felt like he had not drunk water for years. While agony beat at him, he tried to turn off the beeping with his mind. Would he have to listen to that damn sound over and over again forever?

As Chasm gained full consciousness, the steady beep had him confused. He didn’t think he was in Elijah’s apartment. His entire body screamed after every inhale and exhale. Chasm was used to pain, but this frozen pain feeling was new. He couldn’t move, and that was the thing that he didn’t understand. Where was he that he was suffering like this? It was as if his body now matched the torment in his soul.