"Will he live or will he die, that's the question?!"

The forest echoed with bird noises and cricket chirps…

"Guys, l think I know where they took Lucy." Kayla had spoken while carrying a long sword that matched her body length. She had gotten on one knee then bent downwards to the ground looking at shoe marks that had been left behind. "l think they took her somewhere close to a cave up ahead." Kayla rose herself up from the ground and pointed forward.

Everyone had carried a weapon; the kids had carried bats, slingshots, pans, and anything they could consider a weapon. While Azrael and some guards carried swords.

"Azrael, these 2 daggers are made of Noctis umbra metal. These are a pair of daggers Magnus and I had wished to give you. When you awaken, their special abilities will show." Kayla had offered the daggers to Azrael. Azrael had taken the 2 daggers and attached them to his side. Their color was darker than the night and shadows thus, the metal's name is Noctis umbra.

As soon as Azrael received his gift. Azrael had walked forward, but when they had entered the cave up ahead. 3 tunnels stared them down, when he had seen them, his face showed his irritation, "Now what?! Which tunnel do we need to take?!". Mei looked left then right, "Do we have any clues we can ..."

One of the guards interrupted, "Sir Azrael if we look at those marks ahead, l think it might lead us to where the bandits are."

"But I still think we should split up for safety." Kayla expressed. "I think I will go with one group, Azrael goes with another group down the tunnel with the tracks, and Magnus goes with group 3. Guards and maids should join each group." Kayla wasted no time in the allocation of everyone to their groups.

A guard whispered, "Sir, we are about to reach the designated area of the cave." They walked forward towards a room that seemed too large for the small cave. "*How is this small cave so large?*" Azrael pondered on the thought.

But when they reached the bandit's hideout, there was one thing they were very sure of, those bandits were not too excited about them appearing. In an unpleasant scratchy voice, "Hey, who are you kids?! What are you guys doing here?!"

Azrael shouted without thinking, "Give me back my sister right now!"

The Leader of the bandit's group stepped forward. "Ho ho ho? So probably came for the children? Well, we can't give them back, but if you paid us enough money, we could keep them safe until they are sold" the bandits' leader licked his bottom lip and then top lip.

"Well, if you would like to know where they are, here they are right behind me" He had shown Azrael the many kids that had been tied up. But out of all the kids, he found his sister instantly. Her tears had stained her face, and she had been full of dirt.

"No! I came to get my sister and save the others!" Azrael had shifted his hands to his side to grip the daggers.

"*I have never killed anyone. Will I be able to do it today?*" Some of the guards sensed his hesitation.

"If you are unable to make the final kills, we will help you. Arcanus's up and ready! We are going to take these bastards down!" Everyone shouted and roared, setting up spells. While Vigors and the Aequalis classed, hunters took up their weapons.

"What are you guys waiting for to get those brats?!"


Kayla's group

"Madam Lucidis, we are almost at the end of the tunnel," spoke one of the guards who had accompanied her group. "Thank you, guys and girls, pick up your weapons. We might have to engage in combat as soon as we arrive!"

They had arrived, but no one and nothing had been there except the emptiness of the space. No traps, no fake bandit groups, no one to stall.

"Damn it! We wasted our time coming down this way; let's head back quick! Quick! Quick! Azrael could be in danger." Kayla and her group rushed back.


Magnus group

"Seems like there is nothing beyond the point of this wall, damn it!" Magnus started hitting the wall in frustration. A maid "Master Magnus, I think it would be better to head back and help Azrael!" Magnus turned around and lifted up his head, and responded, " You're right! Everyone, let's go and help Azrael!" Everyone had moved around and charged back to where they started.


"Guys, l think this is the part where we run!" Shouted Mei. "Run!!!!!" The kids decided to run behind the guards and maids who had prepared for battle. The number of bandits outnumbers the maids and guards.

But not all the bandits were Users, while all the maids and guards were Users. The question now is, who will fall first?

"Guys, I can't let strangers fight my battles for me. So you guys can go and get the others and run to the village for help. But I am going to stay and fight. I trained to be able to protect those around me, so I guess it's time to put my training to use" Azrael firmly gripped the daggers at his sides. Azrael had gotten in a stance to fight, he bit his bottom lip, and any doubt he felt, he swallowed and was ready to move forward.

Sam had spoken, "But Azrael, we can't leave you alone; if you are gonna stay, we will stay too, right guys?"

"l hate to agree with Sam, but if you're staying, so will we." Said Emma. Everyone else had also agreed, nodding their heads.

"*Guys, thank you. You idiots, it's going to be dangerous, you know. You could of just ran away from here, and you would have been safe.*" Azrael was touched by his friend's sentiment. A small tear of joy slid down his face.

"Hay Azrael, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Mei asked.

"Huh, oh, it's nothing, just happy to hear that you guys have my back. I think some of you can stay, and some should maybe go get help." Azrael held the daggers in his hands and wiped his face with his arms.

"Well, everyone, let's go!" Azrael shouted, and everyone started fighting.

Everyone had rushed to fight the bandits. The blades had clashed, and the spells were cast. There were constant explosions and blood everywhere.

The kids had left to go get help from the village. When they arrived in the village, they had found Azrael's parents and had explained the story.

"Son, Lucy, Alana, we have to rush to save them right now!" Jack shouted since the battle began, 20 min had passed.


Kayla, "Azrael, we are here to help!"Magnus "So are we!"

There had been a full-on battle. A lot of the guards and maids had fatal wounds and were left unable to fight.

Azrael, with both daggers, maneuvered around on the battlefield, unable to land a fatal blow. But slowed the bandits down by slicing the Achilles heels and their carves. His foot technique allowed him to move close to the ground without falling but moving swiftly.

"*Damn it! I am not tall enough or strong enough to do anything else other than slice their legs!*" Azrael had grunted at his own thought.


Azrael had been hit from his blindside on the back of his head, leading him to fall to the ground. "*huh? What happened? How did I get to the ground so quickly?*" His eyes flicked, and his eyes site almost blurred out.

Kayla and Magnus tried to rescue Azrael but got knocked down as well. The battle had shifted towards the bandit's favor.

"*Are we going to lose? Am I really that weak? Everyone has gonna beaten down, luckily not many people have died.*" Azrael had felt sickened by his weakness.

He tried to lift himself up to sit upright. But what he saw brought him deep despair. He saw his friends get cut down; he saw Kayla and Magnus knocked down. Everyone had been left in a half-dead state.

"*God, please!*," Azrael thought as tears trickled down his face. "Someone help us!"Azrael got hit again to the ground. It had seemed one of the bandits was about to finish him off with the final blow.

"*Why?! Is this really how it's going to end*" Azrael's thoughts were lethargic, slow, and painful. Unable to move, he had accepted his fate which had awaited him.

"*As long as someone saves my sister, I don't mind dying….*."

*Crack* The sounds of bones and blood splattered.