"I don't want to let him down!"

"Seems you had a lot happen in the past few days since you called." Said Titus, Titus had already arrived in the village on the day which Azrael had to depart for the evaluation of Sorin. He will test to see if Sorin is genuinely worthwhile to cultivate using the guild's resources.

"*I only met this kid once, and I am already taken on favors for him? What am I thinking? I mean, yes, we got a bit close at the time when he registered. But how did I become so friendly and close with him?*" Titus thought as he looked at Azrael. The time he had met Azrael to when Azrael called again seemed to fly by.

Azrael turned around to call Sorin, who had been not too far behind. Sorin was shy to come over to Titus. Titus, who looked like he could be a model at a fashion show, interacted with Azrael and Sorin.

"Titus, this is Sorin; remember the one I told you about. He is a good person; I asked him to make the Medicine and Pill. But he said that it would be better to show you himself what he can do instead of giving a finished product" Azrael was excited and was just full of joy for Sorin.

"Ummm, hi-" that's all that came out of sorins mouth.

Sorin fiddled with his fingers.

"Well then, let's not waste time. Azrael, you still have to get ready to leave with your team to continue the escort, no?" Titus smiled slightly. "Lead the way."

Sorin nodded, and they headed for the house, which is not too far from where they had met up.

Everyone started moving to the house where Sorin had stayed and was about to perform his test of Alchemy and Medicine.

"Here we are, so please sit down this may take a moment." Sorin had no problem when Azrael watched him but, it was someone else who was watching him. He was worried, but he knew he couldn't let Azrael down.

"Don't worry, you can do it." Azrael's word seemed to overpower Sorin's feeling of being shy and worthless. It gave him power and confidence that he could do it.

The process started. Few words were spoken. They were all focused on Sorin's skills at refining and brewing his medicine liquid and Pill.

The air started to become silent and awkward as no one spoke.

"So, the Pill and Medicine you are making. Have you seen it or tasted it, Azrael?" Titus tried to turn the feeling of the room around.

"Ya, I did. It was actually the first time I ever actually had one. It was so cool; it was not something I expected from alchemy or Medicine." Azrael responded

"Oh?" Titus said

"These things are complicated to make even for regular people. They also get sold for a lot of money. Such skills are treasured by many guilds or groups and are said to be one of the many noble and respected professions," he said lightly.

"Oh really? In school, they said that people with high efficiency and skill in refining pills and even equipment are great looked for. But is it really that difficult to do? Is it not just mixing a few things together and then getting a like pill of something?" Azrael stated while lifting his right brow slightly.

Although he has been to school never actually learned about job classes or anything related to when someone awakens. Even though the princess and Magnus awakened, he never asked any questions or even asked their classes.

"Well, people with certain job class is usually based on what they specialize in. It's usually a bad idea to pick a class that you don't fit well with. That's why the system we know as Primordia gives you what they think or calculate to be the best job for you. But it's always your choice; no one has ever had to be forced into a certain job or class." Titus assured Azrael

As the 2 spoke, Sorin listened in but was still more focused on the alchemy and Medicine in front of him.

"So what is System Primordia? My teacher and parents told me it's a blessing from the gods. A way to protect ourselves and stand against the evil god. But why do only certain people get chosen? Or why do we need an Awakening stone?" Azrael started to be inquisitive.

"Well, Scientists and Magic researchers have said that the system is something beyond their understanding. The knowledge they get is the knowledge that is like grabbing at straws of info. Sometimes the information link, and we gain new insight." moved to sit correctly.

"So why don't the gods just tell us everything about the system? I mean, if we know how the system works, does that not mean that we can fight better against the evil god?" the question was ended.

"If we knew everything about the system, does that not mean the evil god and his disciples also know? Then everyone in the world could take advantage of the system, and our world will perish." Titus explained

As they were about to continue, Sorin shouted, "Done!"

The aroma that filled the room was rich. The smell was more potent than when Azrael first had it was pleasant. They were now ready for testing.

"Wow, this one seems to be better than the one you made for me? Is it?" Azrael was interested in the Medicine, and Pill Sorin made.

"Yes, since I found fresh ingredients with better quality. I am sorry I didn't get to give you one this good; I ended up making it with leftover ingredients that I still had left. Sorry again" Sorin felt terrible.

All Azrael had said was, "it's fine. I don't even know why you are saying sorry."

Sorin was surprised, but why should he be. This was what Azrael was like. Sorin was happy that he decided to follow Azrael and become someone who could stand by his side.

"So, this is the pill and medicine liquid? Which one should I take first?" Titus questioned as he held both in his hands.

Sorin pointed to the bowl of Medicine first. So Titus took it; first, he drank the Medicine. Sorin got even more nervous. Once he had finished drinking, he paused for a moment, and his facial expression was blank. He looked into the container and then looked at Sorin. Without saying anything, he took the Pill and closed his eyes to refine all the properties pill. Some mana started to flow, and Azrael could feel it, but he could not see it. Titus opened his eyes and looked at his arms, and checked himself all over.

Sorin was about to faint at how nervous he was about the evaluation. Titus, still having a blank straight-faced expression, turn his eyes towards Sorin. Titus opened up his mouth and was about to say something about the things he had just ingested.

"Sorin.." Said Titus, who paused for a second.

"Sorin, the Pill you made and the Medicine. They were not bad, but.." Titius looked at Sorin who's gaze was fixated on him.

"But this is as far as you can go.." Titus said this, and something inside of Sorin felt like it was going to break. He tried so hard just to make Azrael proud and get in. But he failed.

"..with the level of ingredients you have and until you awaken. Your skills as a child are something to be proud of. You really impressed me with these two items, and I believe that you should just make sure you study Medicine and alchemy more, and you will reach very far. Azrael, you really found an amazingly talented person, you know that. Sorin, you should be really proud!" Titus smiled lightly.

Sorin's expression changed. He was shocked, baffled, and overwhelmed. His legs could not support him, and this feeling in his body collapsed on him and caused him to fall. Sorin, unable to sort out what he must do, started to cry and balled out his eyes.

"Huh! What?! Why you crying!" Azrael was a bit surprised, "Titus, why did you make him cry?! Look what you did to him!" Azrael, flustered try to get Titus to fix the situation.

"I... I dunno! What did I say wrong?! I was just giving my honest opinion!" Titus, not knowing what to do, tried to assure he didn't say anything wrong.

"Guys-*sniffs*-it's fine-*sniffs*-I am just really happy" Sorin wiped away tears and tried to laugh a little. For him, this was the happiest moment. No one but 2 people seemed to care for him, and they were both very happy for him. He has found new people he regards as family, and Sorin can finally become a great alchemist and medic just how his parents had wanted.

He couldn't help but laugh a bit more at Azrael and Titus's flustered attitude, flustered and goofy attitude.

"Few-" both Azrael and Titus said.

Azrael had walked over and bent next to Azrael on the floor, "Well, at least you are not sad. You did amazing, so be happy. Sadly, I am going to leave, but I will come to visit you and Titus some time. What do you say?" he smiled and patted Sorin and then looked at Titus.

Titus nodded back in agreement with Azrael. Today was a happy day for them. Azrael had to start getting ready to leave after they had time to calm down.