Chapter 32: Shit Rolls Downhill

Cassie strolled into the office around ten the next morning feeling like complete crap. It was Friday. One week since her life fell apart. To top off the anniversary of the night from hell, PMS crept in, she hardly slept, and a merlot migraine mercilessly pounded against her temples, making her extremely grumpy. Two nights in a row of near alcoholic indulgence had taken a toll on her, body, and soul.

As soon as she entered the building, Randy whipped open his office door, glared at her and shouted, "My office. Now!"

"If you expect to live, I need coffee first." Ignoring him, she headed straight for the coffee machine.

"Hurry up," Randy ordered.

"Great," she mumbled, scowling at Daniel. "You ratted me out, didn't you?" Daniel's silence and averted eyes gave him away. "Rat!" she spat and stormed into Randy's office.

She slumped into a chair, closed her eyes, and took her first sip of life-saving nectar. Randy slammed the door and went off like a bomb. Whatever. She had coffee.