When Cassie stepped into the office, Randy pulled up a chair beside his, so they would both be facing Tricia. She sighed inwardly at the thought of sitting so close to the fire, determined to conceal her desire for him while maintaining an air of professionalism.
"So, Mrs. Schmidt, how can we help you?" Randy asked.
"Jason is missing. He didn't come home from work on Wednesday, and I haven't been able to contact him. His phone goes straight to voicemail, and his emails haven't been read."
"I know, the police stopped by and requested the case file," Randy replied.
Cassie raised an eyebrow. Why didn't he mention this sooner?
Tricia glared at Randy, sniffing back tears for effect. "Yeah, well, thanks a lot. I went to them for help, and now they think he walked out on me, but I'm here to tell you that is not the case. Maybe, he'd leave me, but he would never leave Chase. He would never leave his son!" She choked on the last words as tears began to flow.