Chapter 73: The Crazy Wolf

Alone in the darkness, Cassie sensed an unwelcome presence. Nearby, a twig snapped; she swung her gaze to assess the sound. It came from the woods. Her eyes scanned the tree line and connected with those of a black wolf that sat, watching, and waiting. The mist from the forest floor veiled the surrounding woods, but his glowing blue eyes stood out. Those eyes. Dillon's eyes, stared at her with hunger that burned her soul, filling it with fear. The wolf stood rigid, focusing in on his target. Its steady gaze held hers as if determined for her to understand its desires.

She understood perfectly.

Commonsense told her how easily he could tear her body to shreds.

Her heart rate increased, and an inner voice screamed at her to get the hell out of there. She wanted to run, but terror froze her legs. He could easily outrun her, so she couldn't escape.