Chapter 27: CONNOR

The next day we got up and dressed to go on our little shopping trip. She had no idea where we were off to, and I didn't answer her any of the ten times she asked over breakfast. Things were a little less tense between us today.

After I'd made up in my mind to fuck my son into her, my mind had finally found peace. The idea made me hard just thinking about it. She wasn't going anywhere no matter what, so there was no point in prolonging the issue. Also, with my kind in her, that should send the message to other assholes to back the fuck off.

I didn't even know where Robert the fuck lived. I've never seen him around, and I thought it best not to get that information less. I lose my shit in the middle of the night and go off his ass for being stupid.

"Come here, baby." I pushed back my chair so she could come sit on my lap. She had the biggest fucking smile on her face as she put her arm around my neck.