Vanessa gave the signal for us to open the gate, and we all stood around as it slid back to give her entrance. She stopped in the middle of us and hopped down with a big grin. It had been some time since we'd seen her, almost a year, I think, if not more. However long it was, it was way too long; she was good people.
"Lieutenant." I walked over for a hug and, at the last second, hoped like fuck that Gaby wasn't spying on me from somewhere in the house. If there's one defect in my baby, it's her wide jealousy streak. She doesn't give a fuck who it is, and no amount of explanations work when she gets that shit in her head. "Captain, it's good to see you." I patted her back and released her before my Tasmanian devil came running to put her down. I hadn't told her too much about what was going down, just that we were expecting a visitor, and I expected her to show her all the hospitality due a guest.