Chapter 24: ZAK

They made a beeline for their niece and started making kissing noises. Babies, like women, turn men into idiots. If I had my camera I'd YouTube this shit. I finally caught on to what he'd said since it felt like my body was moving but my mind was still playing catch up.

"Why what's wrong with you two?" Like I didn't know.

"Our women kept us up half the night complaining about your shit. Now I'm all for you standing up and all that, but not when it interferes with my shit if you know what I mean." Lo looked like he'd slept rough.

"What he means is that when a man grows accustomed to a certain reception from his woman, he doesn't like being thwarted by a fucking nonexistent headache on account of his brother is being an unreasonable asshole." Con covered the baby's ears as she nibbled on Ty while her formula was being heated.