Chapter 53: TYLER

She slept the whole day away and I was afraid to leave her, which meant I got nothing done. It was a testament to my growing feelings for her that I was able to sit still when I really wanted to be moving.

I couldn't risk taking my eyes off of her and it was beginning to bother me that she hadn't moved in a while. Her body needed the rest after the trauma it had been through, but I didn't want her to slip into a coma or some shit from taking too many hits to the head.

So I sat there as the day drifted away, with her hand held tight in mine. Every once in a while she'd sigh or make a sound in her sleep, but she wasn't scared, this wasn't chasing her in her dreams thank fuck.

I found that I felt at peace for the first time in well...forever I guess. Being with my brothers, as much as we loved and shared with each other, there was never a time when I felt what I was feeling right now.