Chapter 12: QUINN

I leaned back against the steps of the CO's mansion with my eyes closed and the hot Georgia sun warming my face enough to distract from the ass-fuckery that was going on inside my head.

The others should be coming back from lunch soon and even though they'd been gone for over an hour, it still wasn't long enough.

That feeling beneath my skin had now become a raging inferno. The sense that I needed to move was strong but I still had no idea where the fuck I was supposed to go. The longer it lingered the more positive I became that the shit was personal.

If we were in the middle of an Op I could whittle shit down if I wasn't shown where the danger laid outright.

It's rare, but every once in a while my 'gift' likes to fuck with me and leave me guessing. In those cases I could usually work my way around to the truth but there were two things hindering me this time around.