Chapter 46: QUINN

"No problem." He pulled up the home on a wall screen and put in some shit on the computer that took us to the front door."

"What the fuck is that?"

"I would think you'd know. The military has been playing around with this little toy for the better part of six months."

It's the first time I'd seen anything like it. It was like Google earth on steroids. You could actually see inside the house and its surroundings in real time, almost like you were there.

"Are we calling ahead Quinn?" I fielded Lo's question and had to think about it. I shook my head as I worked it out.

"No, if they were heading to him that means they already know who he is and might have eyes on his place and who knows what else."

"The first team has been disbanded so it might take them some time to coordinate, not sure what kinda setup Khalil has here. But either way we can't risk it."