Chapter 112: DEVON


"Stop being so nervous, everything is going to be fine." We were about an hour out from the wedding on the beach and she was the one reassuring me.

I don't know why, but now that we were down to crunch time I have this fear that some shit is gonna go wrong. Maybe because I know that she's the best thing that ever happened to me.

Or maybe it's because I still don't think I deserve her. Whatever it is, I have this feeling that some shit's gonna go wrong.

"Come 'ere." I wrapped my arms around her and felt myself settle. "I love you, I'm not nervous about marrying you, I just don't want anything to go wrong on our big day." I hope Ty the fuck isn't lurking around somewhere listening to this or he'd ride my ass for sure.

"Nothing's gonna go wrong, now go be with your brothers while I finish getting dressed." Dani and Gaby had been pounding at our cottage door for the last half an hour trying to get me to release her.