Chapter 58: MANCINI

For the next three days I bullied, threatened and even came close to spanking her ass a time or two. She refused to talk to me, and if I didn't force feed her she would've starved to death. Pain in my ass. Didn't know she had that much stubbornness in her little body.

Each morning I took her up on deck for some fresh air. I talked, she ignored and then we fought when it was time for her to eat. Today was no different. I sat her on my lap and fed her the oatmeal I'd made her while enjoying the breeze coming off the water. It was almost time to head back but I didn't want to go back to the city with her still in a snit.

"How long do you think I'll let this go on Cierra?" She was looking better today, even though she still wasn't saying shit to me. Stubborn little shit. I pushed the bowl away and pulled her closer into my chest with her head on my shoulder. She didn't stiffen or pull away; progress.