Chapter 41: Prince Of The City

"Boss, um, yeah, but she's yours."

"So you handle her with care in all things. If the situation warrants it I give you permission to use force." I got an elbow to the gut as Mouth finally caught on to who the two new men in the room were.

The twins were anything but, Zane was a six foot four African American and Alec was a six foot six Native American. They got their nickname because of the way they moved together, like fucking magnets. It was from their days in the SEALs together.

"Arianna meet your two new best friends."

"I think I liked it better when you called me Mouth, every time you call me Arianna it's followed by bad news. No offense boys."

She smirked at the two men who were sizing her up. Probably wondering how someone so tiny could've pulled off all the shit they'd heard about. They'll learn.


