Chapter 13: TALON

?I don't want him anywhere near her. I don't want her to ever lay eyes on him again in this lifetime. Pretty fucked up thinking I know but that's how I feel about her. She's mine, she's always going to be mine and no one was allowed to come between that, especially not an ex who had done her dirty.?

I don't know what he was expecting to gain by coming here, but whatever it was he was going to get more than he bargained for, only not in a good way.

If he was such an asshole to give up something as fucking phenomenal as my Skylar, then he must be a real first class ass. I had no doubt that he had realized his mistake and was coming here to ask her to take him back. I am going to see to it that he never gets the chance. Not because I didn't trust her, but because I'm not the kind of man who would ever allow another dude to approach his woman.