Chapter 47: TALON

If you could be arrested for your thoughts I'd be doing hard time. The shit Cunning had uncovered still wasn't enough to go to the cops, which just added to my frustration. I'm giving serious thought to taking matters into my own hands. It really pisses me off that she thought she could get away with this shit.

"Avery you better get down to the quad ASAP pal."

I squinted at the kid who was hurrying past me as I made my way to meet Skye.


"Your girl's about to get into it with that Harden chick."

He kept running as he spoke. I didn't even think, just sprinted past him and the crowd of assholes who were headed in the same direction.

There was a nice size crowd gathered in front of the steps, even the geek squad was taking in the action from their table under the tree. Stephanie was trying to get between Skye and Mackenzie or so it seemed and I could hear Mackenzie's voice above the ruckus screaming shit at my wife.