Chapter 12: LYON

I made the rounds, making sure my kids were all where they were supposed to be, hit the lights, checked the alarms and headed up to her. I came up short in the bedroom when I didn't see her and not because of the low light setting she'd left on, she wasn't there.

I heard the faint sound of music coming from the bathroom and mourned the fact that I wasn't going to get to peel her out of those hot as fuck shorts. I got over it fast though when I stepped into the bathroom and saw what she was up to.

There was a nice scent coming from the mountain of bubbles in the tub, a nice slow jam was coming from the stereo, and my girl was moving around the room in a short silk robe lighting scented candles.

She stopped and looked around and it took me a second to realize she was making sure the place was, as she wanted it. The fuck she want now? She turned and saw me and damn near jumped out of her skin.