Chapter 39: CAITLIN

He's so mature, I always knew he was more advanced in his thinking than most boys his age, but I've never heard him speak quite like that. And he's right, just what has gotten into me? Have I been kidding myself all this time, telling myself that I was fine with the way things are?

Or am I subconsciously afraid? Is that why I'm acting out? Because I'm afraid that I don't know how to be around him now that we've both grown up? It's one thing to talk on the phone, when he's not there to touch me, or look at me with those eyes that seem to melt.

Am I testing him, is that it? I don't want to go against daddy any more than he does, so why in the last few hours have I been pushing him to? I need to get away from him so that I can think clearly. I'm so confused, all these new emotions are playing havoc with my mind, not to mention what they're doing to my body. My hormones seem to have been awakened all at once.