"Well shit, if it isn't the pothead and his gang of misfits."
"Hello to you too son."
"Boy don't lump me in with these two, you know I don't smoke that shit." You keep messing around with that one it won't be long. Poor Cy looks like a strung out hippie.
The pothead has him dressing like him in sandals, Hawaiian shirts and some kinda loose fitting linen slacks that I don't know what the fuck. "What are you three doing here? Isn't tomorrow your usual mooch day?"
"I came to see my grand son in law, heard he was home for the summer." This fuck!
"Isn't Annalisa a bit young to be getting married? My sister know you trying to marry off her kid?"
"I'm talking about Caitie's beau, where is he? We didn't see him when we came in." If he wasn't my father...
"If you came here to annoy me your work here is done. Where's your wife? Can't she find something for you to do?"