Chapter 52: CATALINA

I worked fast on my laptop while listening to Lily and Nia through the wireless headphones daddy had bought me. I had to get a lot done because I know as soon as daddy thinks of it I'll be grounded and he'll take my computer privileges away.

Bunny wasn't here with me but I knew he was with the triplets, he likes to stand guard while they sleep, which gives me some free time. Bunny likes a lot of attention when I'm home.

"I think you should tell her what we've got so far. It's about her after all."

"I know Lily but she's not like us, Caitie's very soft, something like this might scare her."

"I agree with Lily, I think you should tell her. That way at least she'd know and she'd be more careful."

"But we still don't know who he is, we just have a general location."

"Well from what we have so far he's not that far from where you are. Maybe your daddy already knows about him."

"I don't think so, if he did the uncles would be here already."