Chapter 92: TODD

I slid my finger inside her going slow. "Can you feel that?" She nodded her head and looked down at my hand.

"Answer me I want your words.

"Yes, yes I can feel it." I gave her more and worked my finger in and out of her slowly while teasing her mouth with my tongue.

"Pull down the top of your dress." There were three little buttons there, which she undid and pulled the dress apart. "Now your bra." She fumbled to unclasp it while I still moved my finger in and out of her.

"Now look at me." Her eyes flew to mine and I could tell that she was close. I eased my finger in deeper until it butted against her hymen. "You feel that?"

"Yes! Ahhh!"

"That's your hymen, that's mine. I'm not going to take it with my finger so I won't go beyond this point tonight, relax."