Chapter 108: TODD

It was as easy as breathing to lower my head the few inches it took to reach her lips with mine. I felt her soft tears brush against my lip as I folded her in my arms and drew her in. She stood on tiptoes to get closer and I ended up lifting her by her ass and wrapping her legs around me.

I remembered at the last minute not to get her hair wet and leaned her back against the wall away from the water's spray. The kiss grew hot, torrid as I rubbed my cock along her wet slit until my cock was at its full twelve inches of rock hard steel.

I reached behind me and flicked off the water with our lips still fused together and stepped out of the shower. My cock kept sliding along her slit and by the time we reached my bed I knew I was going to fuck her.

I laid her back on the bed and kissed the tears off her face before making my way down her middle until I came to her pussy. I pushed her legs apart with my shoulders and looked down at her perfect pink pussy.