Chapter 112: CAITLIN

All throughout dinner I couldn't wait for it to be over. It's the first time I've been in such a hurry, since I don't usually have much to do after dinner until it was time to Facetime Todd. Now I couldn't wait to go for our evening drive.

I thought for sure someone would pick up on my nervousness but I was able to hide that very well too. Even Catalina seemed too preoccupied to stick her nose in, and thinking of her only reminded me of poor Leslie who I waited until Todd and I were alone in my car to bring up.

"She's back home with her family. She doesn't remember anything about the night before. Her last memory before waking up in the hospital is of going to the hotel bathroom. She does remember being served a Shirley Temple by the bartender but she doesn't remember if she left the drink unattended at some point or if it had been served to her with the drug already inside."

"That's awful, what..."