king aiden- the dragon

[its me host. I am the flosting orb] the system said.

'so lets do some things first morph into your new form' she ordered in her mind sitting

[sure host] the orb glowed then the system came out in its new form. faes smiled as how cute it looked!

'you are so cute' she exclaimed holding it in her hands and petting it.

[host thank you but I am not your pet] the system said and she took that it is shy too which made her chuckle. Looks like the god gave me a system with same changing personality as her.

'fine' she released it.

''now I don't like calling you system lets give you a name'' she said thinking aloud

[its great but uh host you should speak slowly there are organisms around] the system alerted

'Oh I should have taken a look around first. This system can be cleaver if needed.'

Finally faes looked around only to find that the dragon was sitting very still with its head on its forelimbs resting on the ground its tail and feathers covering its body. It was very still that the sound and waves were minimum and she wasn't used to these new senses yet so she missed it. It was huge by the way Almost ten times larger than her or twenty? she don't know this new body's look or height yet oh dear now what? Its dark red eyes were staring at her intently as she thought for a way to run away. 'I can use parkur to run and dark magic to hide for sometime but then I didn't knew how to use this magic or anything. I can attack it too but it will just kill me! I can use blood magic on it yes but how to do it? Ugh!' she was confused and scared

faes looked around finally taking her eyes away from the dragon and found that they were at the base of a mountain at on opening of a cave which was big. On the other side was a dense forest and she focused on it to find that there were so many beast in that forest. This made her gulp! What was the possibility that if she by any means got rid of the dragon and escaped will meet another powerful beast in less than a mile? Quite high!

They were in a clearing just the dragon and her with so many dead bodies of beast and demons she guessed from the horns and tails and black marks on their bodies.

Did the dragon killed them? It should be tired after fighting these many beasts. faes can try her luck to run away. 'Yes I am going to run away but where? To the other beasts I don't even know if they are other dragons or weak ones?' she slapped herself mentally

It will be better if she knew about the dragon more.

[host you have inspect skill] the system reminded faes making her want to hit herself. 'I was so scared that I didn't even thought about that.'

"inspect" she said slowly even in her mind and boxes began coming on side of her view. Now that she notice faes can see her hp and mp bar on left corner of her sight and the boxes appeared on the right side giving her front vision clear also the box were transparent so she can see sideview clearly too. Great! faes checked the boxes first was a notice

[as your first inspect was a dragon the skill have evolved so that you can see details of higher beings easily and in detail]

Well this was good but how to remove it?

[think of closing it host] the system said and once faes thought to close the box it disappeared.

The next one was the dragons description

[name- aiden shadowdragon de reptiliance

Age-490 years

Title- former king of the dragon kingdom in central continent

Race- dragon

Cultivation level- mythical stage level 9 soul reforming stage

Level- 79

Magic- fire, air, water, earth, lightening, space/teleportation

Skills- etiquette, knowledge, aura, blacksmithing, pharmaceutical, cooking

Weapons- bow and sword

Health status- healthy but health is depleting constantly due to heavy poisoning by dark poison

Can only stay alive for a year or two

Magic status- can use magic but it will be weaker than normal

Evaluation- if you fight him he will kill you like an ant even with all the abilities you will just be a toy for him]

Ugh! What to do now? He is level 79 and of mythical level 9 she wont even put up a fight but what to do? maybe she can run in the forest and hide until she lost him? That will be a good idea.

faes got up standing and when the dragon saw her standing it too rose to its complete height and looked down at her daring her to attack it but she didn't plan on fighting at all! 'I don't have a death wish after I just died!' she thought

"my apologies king aiden I didn't meant to disturb you I will be going now" she said bowing lightly while thanking the etiquette skill in her mind as she didn't shutter or sounded offending. When she rose again and looked at the dragon king it had its head tilted and was watching her intently. She was wondering why he hasn't attacked her yet but well he could find her amusing who knows.

"I will leave now please rest" faes said and took a step back when he sent a roar which stopped faes in her tracks. Did she anger him somehow? Why cant she move now? she can feel the pressure coming from his body and his aura was suffocating that she can barely breathe. faes was shaking at her place in fear and was paralyzed just by that roar alone. He hasn't even tried to attack yet! Faes can just stare in wonder that just a roar can take her rationality out of her mind.

[host you are stunned] the system informed but faes was focused on the dragon thinking that she was done! When faes thought she was going to die again the dragon began glowing as if on fire which just increases her fear as she thought he was going to attack. Yet to her surprise it covered its body with its wings and began decreasing in size. faes watched slightly relieved that it isn't attacking her and now she was able to move again but still wanted to see what was happening. Her curiosity got better of her mind again.

The dragon changed till it was about seven feet and now in the form of a human. The wings moved and folded at his back before disappearing leaving a very handsome looking human behind who looked to be in his thirties 'I knew better that he is 490 years old dragon if not I will think he is just a normal human'. He had red eyes similar of the dragon but they were lighter in color, his hair was white with red from the tips and was coming till his shoulders. He was just wearing a pair of pants so his well made and fit body was on display with the faint red scales on his torso and arms which were barely visible. There was a dark red crystal below his neck and above his heart and also he too was wearing a bracelet [it's the same wristwatch as yours] the system told her

Oh! she narrowed her eyes noticing the rings he was wearing.

'system tell me about the rings' she said

[one is a royal identity ring and other is a special ring uses as an inventory. The last one is a simple platinum ring which must be a wedding ring] the system answered. So these kinds of things also exist here?

[it can be in the form of rings bracelets necklaces or pouches] the system informed

'But how did they not break when he changed?'

[they are magical and have been spelled not to break] the system answered but she just nodded slightly and returned her focus on his face.

He had an amused expression with relief and alertness but faes didn't felt any killing intent from him. Even after all these things she was scared. He was still a dragon and his aura was still suffocating her. 'he is a big phoenix dragon! And a former king'

As he came near faes she backed away until her back hit a tree her eyes rooted at his in fear following his every movement to run any moment he thought of attacking. He stopped few meters away which relieved faes but to her shock he bowed his head

"thank you for saving my child" he said in a melodic deep voice. faes was at a loss of words as she have no idea what he is talking about. That reminds her

'system why haven't I gotten the memories of this girls body yet?' faes asked still wryly staring at the dragon

[you are too shocked and scared so I delayed it a little] it replied

"I don't know why you did it but you saved it with your life. I was fighting when a devil threw a spell towards the three eggs. Two of them died but you came between the third egg and the spell saving it and dying" king aiden continued. So this girl saved his egg from a spell which caused her to die. It means that this dragon isn't going to kill her! Yay! faes relaxed but still kept her guard up in case he changes his mind. She still don't trust easily!

He raised his head and looked at her again "I don't know who you are and how are you still alive but what I saw is impossible and I cant believe it" he said in awe as he cant believe that he just saw a human die and then come back to life completely healed.

"what did you saw?" faes asked slowly curious yet alert

"I saw you die then a handsome kid appeared. He was a devil he tried to save you to keep you alive after summoning his companions to form a wall around both of you. He was late you died and he cried sometime holding you inside the cave. When I talked to him he told me that he just saw you first time in the forest and took a liking to you, he didn't even knew who you were but you were running from a legendary beast when he saw you. He followed you till here and found me under attack and when he saw you die he broke down. He left after our talk he didn't even told me his name! I was feeling guilty that you died trying to save my child when you had nothing to do with us. After checking on my last egg I brought you here to bury you when something happened. You began glowing for a second and I got alert as I sensed weird energy. I transformed into my dragon form alert when I sensed you change. I knew you were human but then you changed into something else. I can feel fey devil human elf and even a dragon race in you. You healed from the spell and wounds and then woke up!" he said in excitement and amazement. 'just how is this possible?'

Hold on his egg? Isn't he male? 'system does male dragons also lay eggs?' faes asked the squirrel on her shoulder. 'Yes I don't think it is dog!'

[host no only females lay eggs. He is the eggs father] the system cleared

'Alright, so then the boy he must be someone I don't know so I will let him go as he thinks I am dead. Now about my change of race how can I explain it to him? and why can he sense them isn't it supposed to be hidden with me being just a weak human before?' faes was clearly pissed about this situation 'you stupid why did you put me in this condition?' she asked stupefied but then without waiting for the reply she asked 'System why can others sense my race?'

[host he is dragon king he can sense others race if it were someone weak they wont be able to but you can use hide zero ability and level it up. It will grow with you] system said and it was a relief as she didn't wanted others to know this as it is practically impossible.

"I never saw dead come alive again so I am just curious will you tell me how did all these happened?" king aiden asked sending her into panic. He was still suspicious of her. He didn't knew who she was but he wasn't killing her because she had saver his child even only one but it had cost her. A big cost of her life but then again she was alive in front of him and also with impossible happenings. 'just what is going on?' he thought but stayed alert in case she had any funny intentions

Oh dear how can she explain it to him she don't even have memories of the past body!

[does host want the memories of this body and world to transfer now?] the system asked

'yes' faes answered immediately as this might give her a makeup story 'I can only hope!'

[transferring 10% ...40%....... 60%.....100% transfer complete] the system said just as her head began exploding with information.

It was so much that faes had a headache and fell on her knees clutching her head.

"hey are you alright what happened?" aiden asked coming closer but faes didn't minded him as the memories were flooding her vision as a fast forward movie.

'what happened? She was fine just a moment ago? If this is a trick to get away she is mistaken!' aiden thought but still was worried for the kid in front of him clearly in pain

When the memory ended the pain eased leaving her panting. 'It was just too much! No wonder the girl was weak she had a loving family and maids to do all the work and guards to save her. She was a princess!' faes thought irritated at the last owner

[it was also in the description that you are a princess] the system said almost sounding annoyed

'shut up you filthy system otherwise I am going to show you who is superior here' faes shouted and the white dog vanished from her shoulder in fear.

"miss what happened?" aiden asked again confused at her annoyed and angry expression which just confused him more

"I uh don't know how to explain" faes replied and stiffened when she sensed him being so near her. 'He was kneeling in front of me a feet away looking concerned'