aiden's test and new space

faes knew this will happen. After all she wasn't the one who saved his child in real but someone else. Even then faes would have done the same thing! 'I don't like innocents to suffer. He won't trust me as I won't trust him completely. This test will assure him that I will not harm him or his child in any way.' She thought before nodding to tell him that she don't mind

"what do you know about me?" he asked

"you are former king of reptiliance kingdom the dragon kingdom king aiden shadowdragon. You are 490 years old and have fire air water earth lightening space attributes in magic. You use bow and arrows and short sword as weapon and know how to cook. You also have blacksmithing and pharmaceutical skills. Currently you are heavily poisoned and will only be able to stay alive for a year or two" faes said slowly and truthfully without any emotions on her new face.

Her straightforward and accurate answer took him by surprise as his eyes widened but he regained his calm soon. 'the girl knows who she is dealing with even then she is bold it shows that she is not tricking me' aiden was glad that faes was truthful towards his answers and not a scheming person.

"do you know why I am here and not at the palace?" he asked trying to get more out of her as he was now curious to know more about her.

Well faes don't know she can only guess this answer. As there is a nest he must be here to guard the eggs laid by his wife but where she is faes have no idea and don't want to know either.

"for your childrens safety" she answered as she didn't knew anything else

"so what powers you got? Skills abilities anything after your transmigration?" he asked and faes nodded when she realized that aiden knew that she had no idea about him more than that.

"yes I got a few" she answered

"which are?" he continued. He was indeed not in mood to continued about his life as he clearly saw through that she don't know anything else about him or his wife.

"fire, water, earth, wind, light, dark, lightening, blood, nature magic, power pick and summoning which are locked, swordsmanship and shooting skill, parkur, fast healing and hide zero" faes answered thinking about the scan. It was too long!

"that many?" aiden asked clearly not expecting this much but still took it without much effort. This girl just got alive after dying of course he believed her about this.

"yes but they are all weak and my mana is also low so" faes shrugged. Even if she want faes cant even kill a weak monster without having problems and exhausting herself.

"what is hide zero?" aiden asked as he tried to remember about such ability in his memory

"its an ability by which I can hide my race aura power and cultivation from others and also hide in case of emergencies" faes explained as she knew its not from this world.

"you lived alone and worked. You talk like adults and maturely so how old are you spiritually?"

"twenty" she answered unlike normal girls who don't like being asked about their age.

"I see! I will train you on one condition" he said showing one of his fingers and faes was all ears as she had hoped to make an ally which might be a case

"you have to take care of my child and perform a soul contract with it" he said confusing her

'system what is a soul contract is it similar to those animes?' faes asked curious.

[yes it is. if the beast and person do a soul contract they join with each other. If one is in fatal danger other can provide their life force to them and save them. If one died other will die too and also if one has longer life span their life will be average of both their life spans. Both the beast and person trust each other with their life and can sense others needs and strong emotions.] the system explained

'It will be great if I have a dragon as my companion!' faes was practically bouncing with excitement in her mind but didn't dare show it in her face.

"I agree" she replied smiling at which aiden narrowed his eyes again

"do you know what soul contract is?" he asked as she is not from this world she should not know about such thing.

"yes I uh have this skill to inspect by which I can check the details of certain things like I scanned you earlier" faes said guiltily as she had decided to not tell him about the system anyway so the blame was shifted on the skill.

This made him smile finally and his posture relaxed. She was truly just a newbie and wanted to get strong. If he is correct about the relation of the girl and the past events then she would get stronger at a fast rate and can save his child from the potential danger along with the world

"fine then I will teach you. But first rest for today its already late" he said checking his watch. faes agreed as she also want to catch up on few things.

He then began showing her around the cave

"that is the kitchen and that one is the training area" aiden said just what she thought it will be. Its normal that this place have a training area as he was a king once it means he is used to train regularly. All nobles and royals have this habit and faes was sure she will be getting it soon.

Then he led her upstairs there was a hallway with three rooms. One on the left was the nest and one on the right was apparently her. Aiden didn't told her what was in the last room and she didn't asked as faes knew everyone kept a secret and he will have it too.

"do not go in that room other than that we will be fine" aiden said as they were parting.

faes nodded when a question appeared in her mind

"king aiden do I need to call you master or sir now?" she asked before aiden went in his room. Was she being childish? Yes! This body was a 9 year old kids body for gods sake.

At her question aiden began laughing

"no need to be formal with me just call me aiden and I will call you faes" he said going in the nest room. He agreed to train her because of his assumption and also because of his boredom. It was just him and his single remaining egg here and he have nothing else to do. this will give him a distraction from his pain and suffering. As aiden thought what and how to train faes he changed in his dragon form and coiled around the remaining egg to incubate it from his heat.

faes relaxed as it was so exhausting being all well mannered for her. She then entered her room for the first time.

There wasn't much in the room. It had a bed, a table, a wardrobe and a bathroom. Faes immediately went to the bathroom wanting to see what she look like but to her disappointment there wasn't a mirror.

[host can check the space she has] the system reminded that she have a space and it have a home. It picked her interest as she went back to the room.

'how do I go to the space system?' faes asked

[just think of going there by meditating] the system said. faes had a tough time figuring this system out. one time it seem scared other full of pride. It even behaved cute or cold which confused her. Well she cant do anything as she too was same.

'can you stick on one behavior?' faes asked the dog on her shoulder

[oh sure only if you do the same] it replied indifferently which made her sigh.

Ignoring the system she sat in lotus position on the bed which was comfortable neither soft nor hard. Then she placed her hands in her lap and closed her eyes focusing on only one thing. Enter the space! she kept repeating it while shutting out the outside world.

faes felt a change around her and opened her eyes. A wide smile formed on her face as she saw what was in front of her. faes wasn't in the cave room anymore but in a plane filled with ankle length soft grass. The mist surrounding her was blocking most of the view but she felt happy. There was just her and a house visible other than some open space around the front of the house. she went to it instantly checking it out.

There was a porch with a white table and black chairs. Also there was a golden swing bed on other side which was her favorite from now. 'I love swings!' she thought about trying it but then decided to do it later.

The house was in white and black color itself with silver and golden designs at some points with two floors. When faes stepped inside she saw the huge living room

It was fine if anyone ask her and just simple but big. A sofa set in the middle with a glass table and fireplace on left wall. Right side was a kitchen only separated by the living room with a breakfast counter. There were books on the other walls and so many at that which made her smile. faes directly went to them checking them out. they were history languages and other subject books from this world along with a few story books and some books from her old world along with the science books and technology books.

'enough to keep me busy if I get bored' faes thought with a huge grin

she checked the kitchen then to find that it had all basic utensils and machines from both worlds. Only thing remaining was food spices and drinks, microwave fridge and other complex equipments!

Satisfied from them faes went upstairs using the stairs that were near the entrance door only to find five rooms. Four were same and contained a bed a desk a shelf, wardrobe and a bathroom. The last one was bigger and better than other ones. It had a king sized bed. There was also a big dog house in one corner along with a bird house which confused her as it was empty and she don't have any beast to live in it yet. Turning to the dog on her shoulder faes shook her head the system don't need this big dog house! Leaving it for later faes went to the door which she supposed was bathroom but it turned out to be a walk in closet. There were clothes just like her inventory said and a few other necessary things. The other door turned out to be a big bathroom which had a bath {big enough to fit five human aiden at once!} also it had a shower and a whole wall mirror!

Finally faes saw her new look. With grey eyes and red lips (which looked like I just drank blood) the pale face that looked at her was beautiful. The hair was dark black and came till her waist. she was about four feet in height and was wearing basic armor which must be royal armor. There was a band on her left hand which was the wristwatch and a gold ring in the shape of a crown in her right hand ring finger (royal identity ring).

Even though she was beautiful she was covered in mud and blood which was not as good as it sounds. Tired and now feeling dirty faes quickly took a shower stripping from the things she was wearing. After feeling clean she saw herself in ther mirror again. Now that she was clean she can see herself better than before. Her skin glowed slightly with shiny scales covering her arms and legs and back. They were barely visible even when someone focus on them as they were same color as her skin which was almost translucent. Her ears were slightly pointy but not enough to stand out in humans and there was something behind her ears which resembled a lot like gills! 'if someone see me they will just think that I am a human' faes thought. Then she continued taking her appearance again there was some kind of tattoo over her body. An intricate design over her heart, it contained many curves and pointed ends. It was like a painting representing different organisms. It had a tiger head with lion mane at one point and an eagle claw, an elephant trunk a shark fin octopus tentacle vampire fang wolf head some sparkly dust kind of shade somewhere, a dragon coiling around a peacock feather, snake albestos and a cat, a human Schillotte at the centre which had one hand covered with colorful particles while other had some thick threads or rope? There was a bow on one side of her shoulder while other side had a sword. There was a halo over her head along with devils horns. Two wings were in the background one black and one white and her feet were covered with vines and blood. There was also a glow like sunlight and moon crescent along with the symbols of all elements and magic types. The tattoo wasn't big but about size of her fist but it held all these things and it amazed faes way too much. 'looks like you are good at drawing too!' faes commented to the god in her mind. She had a liking to paintings and tattoos but barely got time in her last life for them. 'I will make sure to have all my fun this time' she thought nodding. She also noticed that there was a magic circle barely visible in background of all these which looked like it was some kind of spell. It contained squares and circles 'is that chakra?' faes asked herself then nodded. The magic circle looked like the Indian magic chakra representing mana but this one was little different as it held some miniature pictures of forest field a house and waterfall a lava pit cave and many other things that made her dizzy just by looking this closely at it. The whole tattoo was kind of a 3d picture that had one thing in front of other and the one in back got a shade lighter than the one in front. It was also colorful and had way too many details.

'system why did I got this?' faes asked

[this is your space host along with the powers and magic you can use it is kind of your symbol] the system replied making faes grin like she got the best gift ever. Faes nodded again checking the tattoo again then got new clothes from the closet. They surprisingly fit her well! faes even got a surprise when she saw shorts and t-shirts and a few other casual clothing too. After that she went to the comfortable bed and laid down sighing.

'system wake me up early before aiden comes and checks up on me' faes said to the white dog.

[sure host good night] it replied

Trusting the system she drifted off to sleep.