importance of skills and techniques

faes woke up in her room at the cave and realised that she fell asleep while crying in aiden's arms. her face turned red as she realised what she did. she had accepted aiden as her father and she wasnt embarrassed about it even a little. all the time she was here with him he had been good to her and cared for her even after knowing about her transmigration.

'now that i wonder he easily accepted it as if he knows this is true without doubting a single thing' faes thought but just shrugged it off as she didnt know why he did it. it always felt like he was hiding something but if he wants he can always tell it to her.

faes checked the time and realised that they missed dinner and it was almost morning, a new day is starting.

getting ready faes went downstairs to find that aiden havent woken up yet. 'i can cook something for him today!'

faes always woke up late so she was the one who got served and always wanted to make something from aiden but she only knew how to make few dishes from earth and some from watching aiden cook.

'a simple breakfast would do for today i think' faes thought as she gathered ingredients to make tea with cheese and vegetable sandwiches along with ham sandwiches. 'this would do for now' faes thought as she began cooking. as she always helped aiden he had made a special small counter for her and that made it easier for her to work and cook.

aiden who was late to wake up due to the nice sleep he had due to being satisfied and happy yesterday was now getting dressed after cleaning his egg, suddenly he smelled food being cooked. he knew that only he and faes were here that means that faes was cooking. he frowned as he dont know if fafes knows how to cook but from the scent the food had to be delicious. he quickly got ready and went to the kitchen to find faes finish cooking the breakfast.

faes sensed him entering and flashed him a smile while she placed the breakfast in plates for them.

"good morning i made breakfast" faes said

"you know how to cook?" aiden asked as he took a seat and faes gave him the sandwiches and tea. he looked at the food then at faes who had began eating already. he doubted wether the sandwiches were edible but they were smelling delicious and looked good too. he again glanced at faes who seemed to be enjoying her food. gathering his courage he took a bite and his eyes widened. the breakfast was delicious! even better than his cooked one.

"i lived alone in my past life so i know how to cook a few things but i cant cook many dishes that you make. i was thinking maybe you will teach me how to cook to your food is yummy daddy!" faes replied pleased with his reaction. she know that her food was delicious if not then she would not have worked in a diner but she can still only cook a few dishes.

"this is great i will teach you how to cook then you have to make food for me, haha! i dont have to cook anymore once you learn it" aiden laughed while faes shook her head already knowing that what he said was true. aiden was a lazy person maybe world's most lazy person once she began to cook for both of them he would just watch her waiting for food.

"you still have to teach me how to cook first and also some pharmaceutical and blacksmithing so that i can make medicines and weapons of my choice" faes told him while he finished his food.

"yeah i was going to teach you that anyway but first i am going to teach you some important concepts go get ready for your daily practice after that we will continue. i will wash the dishes as you cooked" aiden said smiling

faes immediately was happy once she heareed that aiden was going to teach her what she wanted so she happily skipped to her room and went to her space getting ready.

after doing their daily routine faes and aiden were sitting in the living room facing each other. faes was ready to listen anything aiden told her and absorb it in her mind.

"when a person begins his or her cultivation they need to have some important things that include cultivation methods, some treasures, or other things but most importantly skills and techniques." aiden began as he took out various books and scrolls out of his spacial ring laying them out in front of faes.

"they need to have one cultivation method that they practice to get stronger physically and also increases one's mana, qi or magi particles absorbance. in the beggining it isnt that much important but after a person gets to a certain stage their foundation gets unstable. you are starting to cultivate and this is the best stage to choose a cultivation technique and begin using it. i have a few methods here from which you can choose" aiden pointed to one of the stacks of the books then continued

"when a person begins cultivation their strength increases so does their mana but they also need to make their body agile to use them properly. the speed is important too as you learned yesterday, gale rabbits are normal rabbits but just because they use wind to increase their speed this makes them tier 1 beast. each person need to have a movement skill or technique which helps them increase their agility which makes it easier to dodge and also take the enemy by surprise"

faes nodded as she realised that what aiden said was indeed true. if one has both speed and strength then they will be hard to deal with. she really wanted to read the books and scrolls now as aiden pointed at them and told what they were as he explained importance of skills and techniques.

"some people have more powers than just qi, mana, or magi particles they have strong spirit force and they can use it to their use. each person have some amount of spirit force depending on their soul strength and they can also cultivate it but its hard so most dont do it" aiden told making faes curious about her own spirit force as she was transmigrated and had no idea if this will cause some changes to her soul.

"skills are something depending on each person and their powers. the cultivators use laws of nature and qi in their techniques while other beings use their respective energy source. fire mages mostly use fire but not all of them use the same spells and techniques. you have to create your own spells and skills that only you can use and practice them until you master them. but dont just stick on one skill you have to upgrade them constantly as you get stronger as they should be able to live upto your powers and capabilities to save you. if you only use same techniques the enemy will find a way to get past it and then hurt you" aiden told all serious which made faes gulp. 'he looks scary when he is serious' she thought and nodded

"skills should be of three types one that will help you defend, second that will help you attack at a distance and third that will help you at close combat. skills should be powerful enough otherwise if you try to kill a dragon with an ant then you will be the one who will die" aiden said

"i understand" faes replied thinking about what aiden told her. indeed she needs skills which she is lacking other than swordsmanship and archery.

"so i am giving you work to choose a technique that suits you and work on what i told you. you do not need to rush but dont delay either understood?" aiden asked

faes nodded in understanding. if she hurries to find a technique and chooses a wrong one then her cultivation would become waste while if she takes it slow her foundation would become unstable.

"good then lets go i will teach you other things once you finish this task." aiden sighed "i have to wait some more time before i dont have to cook anymore ah!" his last sentence made faes roll her eyes.

taking everything aiden gave her faes went to her room and began to read them and understand them trying to compare the techniques to her abilities.

aiden and faes continued their routine then faes would continue her work while aiden took care of his egg and faes who often forgot about eating and sleeping while reading the books.

this continued for about a month before one day faes nodded glancing at the techniques she chose. faes showed them to aiden making him worry as the ones she had chosen were most difficult ones out of what he gave her but they were also the one suiting her best. he warned faes

"these are hardest techniques so if you are unable to use or master them its alright to give up just dont get depressed or stressed alright!"

hearing what aiden said faes beamed

"dont worry i will do as you say i chose them because they are the most suitable and matching to my powers now i just have to practice them and make my own op move that no one can stand" faes said as her eyes shone with excitement.